Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (2024)

Up against one of the Spiral’s toughest bosses? Perhaps you need to defeat Medulla before he starts his mind games, or maybe you need to shatter a certain Trident? This article will help with just that! If you aren’t familiar with those names I just mentioned, it is probably due to them being higher level bosses that you haven’t encountered yet. We already have created guides for each of them, but if you take a look at each, you’ll need to employ a certain tactic to ensure an efficient victory – charms & wards stacking.

This article, as you can imagine, is aimed more towards higher level encounters, as blade stacking isn’t that much of a requirement at lower levels. Let us delve deep into a particular example depicted in the above guides – the Trident. In Patrick’s strategy guide linked above, you need to defeat the boss by doing an attack that does overtime damage of around 40,000 damage per tick. This is achieved by putting around 13 charms (blades) on the hitter– an extremely daunting task, given that your foes know Earthquake and Glowbug Squall. Thus, you need to blade stack and you need to do it fast!

One might say, “how on earth will I get that many blades?” and we don’t blame you for thinking that. However, in this article we will learn how easy it actually is to get that many and perhaps even more! Let’s take a look…

Different Types of Charms and Wards

The idea discussed here works for both charm & ward stacking (blades and traps), but you will notice me pulling the focus more towards charms. The concept is very similar, so if you understand one, you will get the other. Below, I’ve illustrated an example with one of the most common charm spells – BalanceBlade. Keep in mind that what you are about to see below can be applied to almost any charm available to wizards and witches alike! This includes each and every school blade, Tri-Blades, Bladestorm, Dark Pact and more. Simply imagine the possibilities!


These are the charms we learn by default from our school. Thus, you will only have access to one – your main school’s blade.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (3)

Sharpened Blade & Potent Trap

These are amazing and life saving spells obtained from Azteca’s Sun School Trainer at level 86 upon completing the quest “Turn Up the Sun”. They can be used combined with your regular charms and wards. The end result is an enchanted version of the regular spell that does +10% more.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (4)

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (5)

Pet Card

These are special item card variants of regular spells that are granted to you only through pets, as you can see below on the ever-so-useful Gobblerball.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (6)

Pet Sharpened Blade

Some pets also provide you with a Sharpened Blade card, which stacks on top of a regular Sharpened Blade. This results in in two different enchanted versions of the charm in question. Potent Trap is not available on pets as of now.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (7)

Item Card

Item cards, as the name suggests, are cards provided to you from gear (and not pets). Something one should note is that card giving jewels don’t stack with other item cards i.e. item cards and jewel cards are the same thing, provided they apply the same percent blade. The below jewels make it simply too easy to have another blade option.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (8)

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (9)

Don’t forget about gear that gives DragonBlade instead of the regular BalanceBlade. While these spells may look the same, believe me, they are not!

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (10)

Item Sharpened Blade & Potent Trap

Sharpened Blade and Potent Trap also come on gear, meaning yet another variation of an enhanced blade or trap. A very common and easy option for this is the Jewel of the Apiary.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (11)

Treasure Card

A very obvious variation that we haven’t gotten to yet! Additionally, they are also easy to get from TC vendors around the Spiral, although they may be a bit costly.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (12)

Treasure Card Sharpened Blade & Potent Trap

Yep! Sharpened Blade and Potent Trap also come as treasure cards. Be careful, though! They are currently very rare to get, as they are only available through creature drops and select plants.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (13)

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (14)

Pack Treasure Card

This one is quite tricky, and perhaps lesser known, method. Charm and ward treasure cards obtained through packs will stack with all of the above listed options. The trick here is noticing the specific pack symbol on the left hand side of the spell image.

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (15)

Pro Tips & Tricks:

  • Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (16)When you need to stack charms and/or wards, always go for your school’s blades, tri-blades (Elemental and Spirit Blade), and feints as they are the easiest and most universally accessible. Combine them with Sharpened Blade and Potent Trap along with Treasure Cards and you have buffs for days!
  • Pack treasure cards from different packs stack together as well. For example, a Spirit Blade from the Elven Nightmare Pack and a Spirit Blade from the Nightmare Pack all stack with a trained spirit blade. Always check the symbols on the treasure cards!
  • Aegis, Indemnity and Cloak won’t stack with other charms and wards. They are considered a regular version of the charm/ward.
  • Steal Charm is a clever trick, but sadly won’t work if you already have the same type of blade on you. For instance, stealing a regular Storm Blade while having one already on you is no use.
  • If you are after a particular pet item card, don’t forget to check the Hatchmaking Kiosk. The Gobblerball and Enchanted Armament live there.

Item Card & Pet Card Sources

There are too many sources for Item Cards available to us wizards, which makes this next part way too complicated! Thus, I will need all of your help! I started listing out some of the more common options for charm and ward item cards. The aim is to turn this into a community project, where anyone with info can pitch in and provide their findings. Leave a comment or send an email with some good item card options, and we will listen and credit you below!

  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Amulets
  • Jewels
  • Pets


Dworgyn’s Havoc Hood

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (17)

Source: Professor’s Hoard Pack

Grizzleheim Crafted Hats

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (18)

Crafted from Carax Strongthread in Sudrilund, Grizzleheim

Thanks to The Gaming Zeuz

Shard Warrior’s Helm

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (19)

Source: Jewel Crafter’s Bundle




Wizard City Underground Boots

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (20)

Dropped & Crafted from WC Underground


Zeus Exalted Scepters

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (21)

Dropped from Zeus Exalted Ultra Dungeon

Thanks to AviusFaust

Trickster’s Lying Bow

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (22)

Dropped from Raven’s Hoard Pack or Eirikur Axebreaker in Winterbane

Thanks to AviusFaust

Hammer of the Stone Sky

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (23)

Crafted from Ingulf the Growler in Vestrilund, Grizzleheim

Thanks to AviusFaust

Hands of Fate Weapons

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (24)

Obtained from Deckathalon Events

Thanks to AviusFaust


Moon’s Glow Jewel

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (25)

Source: Quest rewards from Khrysalis’ finale

Last Wood Defender’s Jewel

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (26)

Source: Dropped from Ghost Dog in Shadow Palace, Khrysalis

Jewel of the Apiary

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (27)

Source: Dropped from several creatures in Khrysalis & Available at the Bazaar

Jewel of the Feint

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (28)

Source: Available in the Bazaar

Shango’s Amulets

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (29)

Source: Sold by Marwa Jadetusk in Baobab Market

Charm of the Black Pearl

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (30)

Source: Available in the Bazaar

House of Scales Amulets

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (31)

Source: Lower Zigazag Wooden Chest

Brood Mother’s Lavalliere

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (32)

Source: Balor the Broken Fang (Galleries)

Great Wild Wood Pendant

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (33)

Source: Major Avalon bosses (Black Annie, Young Morganthe)

Morganthe’s School Amulets

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (34)

Source: Morganthe in the Shadow Palace, Khrysalis

Omen’s School Mastery Amulets

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (35)

Source: Omen Stribog in River of the Frozen Tears, Polaris

Witch’s Star Necklace

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (36)

Source: Last two fights in Nastrond, Wintertusk


Dual XBlade Jewel

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (37)

Source: Various major bosses in Polaris & Jewel Packs

XBlade Jewel

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (38)

Source: Jewel Triangle Blossom & Jewel Packs


Enchanted Armament

Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (39)

Source: Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus, Aquila


Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (40)

Source: Babbling Meints in Caterwaul Canyons, Mirage

What are your thoughts on the above?
Care to comment on any of our opinions listed above?
If you have any specific gear pieces in mind leave us a comment below so we can share them!

  • Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (41)
  • Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (42)
  • Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (43)
  • Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (44)
  • Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (45)

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Stacking Charms & Wards in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (2024)


Does balance blade stack? ›

There are also universals, like balance blade, feint, curse, hex, dragon blade, which will stack with anything. You can build up some big hits by combining buffs, but be warry of enemies that can remove or steal them. Your very first blade and trap do not stack, since they're the same blades.

Do sharpened blades stack W101? ›

Some pets also provide you with a Sharpened Blade card, which stacks on top of a regular Sharpened Blade. This results in in two different enchanted versions of the charm in question.

Do traps stack wizard101? ›

If someone puts on a newer trap, that doesn't stack with your previous ones then yes it will not activate all the traps. Trap stacking requires coordination from all wizards and in the right order.

What is death weakness in wizard 101? ›

BOOSTS LIST storm is weak to myth. myth is weak to storm. life is weak to death. death is weak to life.

Can you stack booming blades? ›

No, the rules of 5e are such that you can't stack two of the same effect, whether from the same person or multiple people, beneficial or detrimental. You can have similar effects, for example different named abilities or spells that increase your speed, but you cannot have the same thing twice.

Do auras stack in wizard101? ›

You can only have one Aura (Star school spell) at a time. If you cast another, it replaces the first.

Does quelling blade damage stack? ›

Attack Damage Bonus (Ranged): 4

Stacks with Quell, but not with multiple Quelling Blades.

Should traps go before or after prism w101? ›

If you use a prism in your setup, you can double the number of traps used for your big hit. By using your counter school traps first (for example, a Fire wizard applying Ice school traps) and then casting a prism before placing fire traps, the fire traps will be triggered followed by the ice traps.

Do creature spells go on the stack? ›

Any spell—creature, instant, artifact, whatever. It goes onto the stack. The player whose turn it is (in this case, me) gets a chance to respond.

What does blocking do in wizard101? ›

Block Rating increases the player's chance of avoiding incoming critical hits. Players gain Critical Hit and Block bonuses from equipment. The chance for a critical hit or a block is calculated AFTER fizzle and accuracy.

What is the most powerful spell in wizard101? ›

The strongest spell in the game is definately wild bolt.

What is the strongest class in Wizard 101? ›

Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
  • Storm (478)
  • Fire (368)
  • Myth (365)
  • Ice (359)
  • Death (333)
  • Life (323)
  • Balance (292)

Is Ice good for soloing Wizard 101? ›

Wizard 101 is all about strategy, and if you are a strategist you will not have a problem. My storm soloed most of the despite having extremely low health, so yes ice can solo.

Do multiple quelling blades stack? ›

Effects of multiple quelling blades do not stack.

Does ring of blades stack? ›

Players can equip up to 4 Rings, but equipping two of the same item is not possible. Some rings have upgraded versions, having a maximum of +3.

Does hidden blades stack? ›

Hidden Blades can proc on any hit you do to an enemy (there may be some exceptions, but for the most part, anything can proc them). They're not at all connected to your Assassin's Hidden Blades (hell, your HB can make HB on Hit proc). That said, they don't stack.

Does Blade Mail stack? ›

Multiple instances of Damage Return from Blade Mails do not stack.


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.