Legacy's End Walkthrough - Starfield Guide - IGN (2024)


Brendan Graeber,Revka,Lauren Harper,+35 more


Legacy's End is the final Mission for the Crimson Fleet Faction in Starfield. This mission is essentially the great and final battle between the Crimson Fleet and UC System Defense, over the fate of both The Key, and the UC Vigilance. Depending on which side you align yourself, you will have to either disable or defend The Key's turret systems, and then board the enemy station and fight your way through it to defeat the leader of the opposing faction's command ship.

  • Rewards (UC SysDef): Tap to Reveal
  • Rewards (Crimson Fleet) Tap to Reveal

Choose Between Crimson Fleet and UC SysDef


Now that you have Kryx's Legacy, the choice of who gets the money will reside with you and you alone. No matter what choices you've made up until this point, you will permanently make one faction your enemy. There's no going back on this, and depending on what you've done over the course of this questline, you may be making things easier or harder for yourself:

  • By turning in Evidence Slates to Lt. Commander Toft of the UC SysDef, you can ensure that you will have a lot more backup in the space fight against the Crimson Fleet. Not only will you have more fighters on your side, but turning in certain evidence against the Crimson Fleet's Captains can also remove them from the playing field in the fight to come - which include Adler Kemp, Mathis Castillo, Evgeny Rokov, Huan Daiyu, and Estelle Vincent.
  • Similarly, not turning in evidence will ensure you have those allies on your side in the Crimson Fleet, and reducing their support during the starship battle. However, if you've been choosing profits over friendship during missions and either set up or pissed off the Crimson Fleet Captains, they won't offer their support. This can make the big space battle incredibly difficult without the support of the captains, so be warned, as you don't get any extra rewards going it solo!

As for the rewards and benefits of picking one side over the other, you can view the main rewards listed above, but it's worth keeping in mind the following:

Whichever path you choose, it's extremely important that you prepare for a very grueling fight both in space and on foot. This means it's in your best interest to make and last minute upgrades to your ship that you can, especially improving your ship's shields and weapon systems, and having a good stockpile of Ship Parts to stay alive with.

To view the walkthroughs for each side, check the sections below:

  • Siding With UC SysDef
  • Siding With Crimson Fleet

Returning to the UC Vigilance, take out the few scouts that have shown up to harass SysDef, and then you can board to hand off Kryx's Legacy to Lt. Commander Toft and Command Ikande. Yes, you're doing the right thing and it's tough to see that money go, but don't worry -- if you survive the upcoming fight, you won't walk away empty-handed.

It's important to note that by this point, you should have handed in as much of the Evidence Slates to Lt Commander Toft as possible, as it will have the most effect in evening the odds in your favor for the coming fight. Depending on how many you turned in, you'll either have only the support of the UC SysDef Fleet, some extra UC ships, or a lot more support in your next move.


This can change the difficulty of the coming fight dramatically in how much your own ship will be targeted, and also the ships you have to destroy or defend yourself from -- as several ships are helmed by Crimson Fleet Captains that have incriminating evidence against them. If they were turned in before completing the last mission, they'll be in the brig, rather than piloting Crimson Fleet fighters.

As for your immediate objectives, you'll be briefed that though the UC Vigilance has a powerful shield system, there are three defensive battery array turrets placed around Suvarov that can spell doom for the UC Vigilance -- and you'll need to destroy them.

Once you've upgraded your ship, stocked up on Ship Parts, and assigned a good crew to bolster your ship skills, head over to the Kryx System to begin the battle.

Destroy Defensive Battery Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

Upon arrival in the Kryx System, you'll appear not at The Key, but at the first of three defensive battery turrets. Each of the turrets will be guarded by a handful of Crimson Fleet ships that vary in level - some pretty weak, with a few stronger among the pack.

You'll have Lt. Commander Toft and Alex Vong joining you regardless of how much evidence you supplied, in addition to a few extra UC SysDef fighters, but if the support is lacking, you'll need to do a lot of the heavy lifting yourself.

The Defensive Batteries won't just sit idly by either, as they can use their powerful lasers to charge up for devastating attacks against shielding. Depending on who they target first, you should probably try to deal with any Crimson Fleet ships immediately targeting you, and punch a hole right to the Battery. Once you get close, lock on with the Targeting Skill and deplete its Targeting and then Laser abilities to keep it shut down while you hammer it until it explodes.

Once each battery goes down, you'll still need to mop up any remaining Crimson Fleet in the area before moving to the next Defensive Battery. Remember to use your allies as cover, and retreat if your shields get depleted and keep your hull topped off with Ship Parts.


Survive the Battle at The Key

After you've destroyed all three of the Battery Turrets, be sure to take a moment to make sure all of your ship systems are fully repaired and ready to go, and that you loot any destroyed ships for any Ship Parts they might have, as the biggest battle is still coming.

Once you arrive at The Key, you'll find that the UC Vigilance has not shown up, and is being slowed down by Naeva Mora, leaving you and the other UC SysDef pilots to fend for yourselves until the Vigilance can join the fight.

Unfortunately, if you haven't been handing in enough evidence, it's going to be a very difficult one-sided battle. Even with backup from the United Colonies, you'll have to take on a lot of Crimson Fleet fighters - which can include the captains of the Crimson Fleet if you didn't find and turn in their evidence, or didn't sabotage them while performing missions with them.

As well as fighting off a number of Crimson Fleet wraiths and ghosts, you may also run into higher level ships belonging to notable Crimson Fleet members:

  • Lady Lyudmila (Evgeny Rokov)
  • Moonchild (Estelle Vincent)
  • Freja's Rage (Mathis Castillo)
  • Jade Swan (Huan Daiyu)
  • Blind Bet (Adler Kemp)

These flagships will also be bolstered by a number of small particle turrets floating around The Key, and when coupled with a half-dozen regular Crimson Fleet fighters, a concentrated attack can quickly demolish your ship even if it's tricked out.

The key to this fight is survival above all else, as the UC Vigilance will eventually show up, but usually only after around 5 minutes or if you've somehow managed to destroy much of the fleet on your own. Given that it may just be you, Lt. Toft, and Alex Vong vs this horde, it's unwise to charge at The Key headfirst. Instead, veer off to the sides and pick off any lone ships while trying to maintain a safe distance from The Key itself, which is where a majority of the fighting is done.

If you start to come under heavy fire, boost your jets to try to fly away from the attacks until they die down, then turn about to engage anyone still chasing you, and also be sure to land a few direct hits against the weak particle turrets to get them out of the way. Only engage the flagships of fleet captains if one of them is close by without any backup.


Survive long enough, and the UC Vigilance will appear with backup in the form of more fighter ships, which should greatly increase your odds. The Vigilance is a powerhouse that can't be damaged by anything they have, so rally to the command ship and pick off any remaining fighters. Once all the Crimson Fleet ships are destroyed, it's on you to board and engage everyone left on The Key.

Reach the Operations Center of The Key

Once aboard The Key, it falls on you to make it all the way to where Delgado is in the main operations center -- and while you are probably well familiar with the layout of the station, you'll need to make a few detours to reach your goal.

A few Crimson Fleet Pirates will try to stop you as you leave the docking area, but shouldn't prove much of a problem. Be sure to check the other docking ports where a few pirates are dug in, and search the area for weapon crates, grenades, and ammo before moving on into the Atrium.

Take cover to the side as you open the gate to the Atrium proper, as there's a proper welcoming party for you with enemies both on the ground and on the balcony above, including Jasmine Durand herself and a few reprogrammed security bots.

Take out the initial wave from your defensive spot behind cover, and then rush the ship services bay to eliminate Jazz - she's not exactly a fighter and won't prove to be too big a problem.

With many security doors now locked down, you'll need to access Jasmine's terminal to override Remote Security Door Control, but this will only open a path through the Depot.

You'll now have to contend with all the very angry vendors who are now using the wares they used to sell against you, including Radley Jaso, Taryn Kallis, Aludra Tahan, Isra Liskova, and Zuri Abara. Don't let them overwhelm you by getting caught in the open, and move up cautiously while tossing grenades into their merchant booths to flush them out into the open.


Since the central path is usually a deadly crossfire zone, make a right before TK's shop to go around the back and pick off enemies who try and come after you in the narrow corridors.

Once the vendors are dead, be sure to stop to loot their bodies for the merch they carry, and ransack their stalls for any additional weapons and ammo you can haul with you.

Just past The Depot on your way towards the Medbay, you'll have to contend with Mathis Castillo if you didn't lock him up or cut him out of joining the Crimson Fleet in the first place. Even if you destroyed the captain ships in the previous battle, they'll still have made it onto The Key for one final showdown. Mathis has a mean Auto-Rivet, but it's nowhere as deadly as the weapon he picked up on The Lock.

Be sure to loot the Advanced-locked safe in the Trade Authority booth, then head towards the Last Nova, as the doors leading toward the Reckoner's Core is still locked down.

The Last Nova is crawling with more pirates, so be ready for a large firefight by tossing grenades into clusters of pirates hiding behind tables, and grab their loot plus any weapon crates you find.

Bog the bartender himself will lead the charge along with Samira Mizrah, so make sure both are taken out before you access the Last Nova Bar Terminal behind the counter to unlock the door back out leading directly to the Reckoner's Core

Back outside, you'll find Shinya Voss sitting down an unarmed - the bomb strapped to his chest now ticking down. Talk to him to learn that Delgado has armed the device, and you'll even have the choice to be merciful and look for a way to disarm the bomb to keep him alive (or just kill him if you're feeling particularly vengeful and want to see a man explode into little chunks on death).

After speaking with Shinya, take the path through the gym and shooting range to head towards the lift -- but they've been disabled. You'll instead have to move through the tight corridors where the crew quarter bunks are, and plenty of Pirates are itching to ambush you here.


Use more grenades to flush out the dug in pirates and check your corners as you advance, as many pirates like to hang back out of sight until you pass.

Once you reach the stairs up to the Captain's Quarters, advance cautiously. Clear each of the captain's rooms one by one to loot whatever they've left behind, but be ready for an ambush.

Once you reach the stairs, Evgeny Rokov will rush out of Room 4 while another pirate and Adler Kemp (who is a pushover) attack from the top of the stairs. Duck into one of the rooms if you get overwhelmed and take them out one at time, and loot the bodies of the former captains before reaching the Operations Center.

Deal with Delgado

Entering the command center, you'll find the place deserted save for Delgado standing behind a window on the second floor with the door sealed. He's rigged the place to explode (along with Shinya) and is in little mood for your antics, but there's still a few options available to you.

If you've got a decent persuasion skill, you can try and talk Delgado down and get him to surrender both himself and the station. You can try and lean on the fact that you're still looking out for him, and that getting thrown in prison isn't necessarily where his story has to end.

If successful, he will abort the reactor overload, open the door to his office, and allow himself to be captured by UC SysDef. You can help yourself to any loot left in his quarters and the military crate plus a small advanced-locked afe by the terminal needed to disarm Shinya's bomb -- if you also want him in custody as well. If you didn't pilfer his room earlier, you'll need to pick the master lock on his bedroom door to get all his weapons (including a book - Diary of Kyosuke Nagata that reveals the location of an Earth snowglobe).

If you failed the persuasion check or just want to get violent, you can choose to attack Delgado, and the path to the reactors will open up to the side of the Operations Center.


The large reactor room is a massive firefight arena, where tons of robots and pirates will attempt to stop you from disengaging three reactor override panels in each corner of the room.

As you do so, you'll also have to contend with both Huan Daiyu and Estelle Vincent coming in with more backup to try and stop you, so be ready to deal with their attacks as you reach each terminal. Huan will be defending Reactor 2, while Estelle will show up as you move across the room to reach Reactor 3's override.

Once you reach the last override terminal, be sure all other threats are dealt with, as Delgado himself will arrive for the final showdown. He's got a mean rifle, but it's nothing compared to Kryx's own Revenant weapon you got in the last mission. Pin him down with grenades then unload on him when he's been staggered to defeat the Crimson Fleet's Leader.

Doing so, you'll be able to loot him for his unique rifle weapon, Tempest, as well as the password to unlock his terminal (if you still want to save Shinya), and loot Delgado's Outfit as well.

Return to the Vigilance

Whichever option you chose, it's finally time to head back to your much deserved celebration. The other SysDef members will cheer you on as Commander Ikande praises you for a job well done. Lucky for you he managed to save you a good portion of the Legacy's haul as compensation for your efforts, and you'll be able to keep working with UC SysDef if you want using their bounty boards.


As a final added bonus, Lt. Commander Toft can still take anymore evidence you find that you may have missed earlier, and can even offer Ship Services now with some UC upgrades for your ship.

Of course, the war against the Crimson Fleet is never truly over. With Naeva Mora's escape, the fleet will live on, so don't expect pirates to stop ambushing you in space or taking over abandoned facilities across the galaxy.

Returning to the The Key, take out the few scouts that have shown up to harass the Crimson Fleet, and then you can board to hand off Kryx's Legacy to Delgado and Jazz, who will verify it. It's been a long time coming, but the score of a lifetime is finally yours -- if you survive the next battle to spend your incoming haul.

It's important to note that by this point, any evidence you may have turned into UC SysDef will start to bite you in the ass, as well as how you may have treated the other Captains of the Crimson Fleet, as it will have the most effect in evening the odds in your favor for the coming fight. If you betrayed, double-crossed, or got any potential captain killed -- or turned in evidence against them to Lt. Toft, they will not show up in the battle to come.

This can change the difficulty of the coming fight dramatically in how much your own ship will be targeted, and how much heavy lifting has to be done by you -- as several ships are helmed by Crimson Fleet Captains that can bring some powerful weapons to both the fight in the stars, and foot.

As for your immediate objectives, you'll be briefed that though the UC Vigilance has a powerful shield system, there are three defensive battery array turrets placed around Suvarov need to be defended while they power up so that they can punch a hole in the Vigilance's shield. You'll be leading the strike team to defend each turret, as well as the Key itself.

Once you've upgraded your ship, stocked up on Ship Parts, and assigned a good crew to bolster your ship skills, undock from The Key and fly to the first array to begin the fight.

Defend Defensive Battery Alpha, Beta, and Gamma


Upon arrival at Battery Alpha, you'll be joined by Mathis Castillo if you recommended him to Delgado, who will help you take on the fighters surrounding the battery. However, if you got him kicked out, you'll be flying solo for now. Luckily you don't need to defend the batteries from being destroyed, but rather will need to clear out any hostiles so repairs can be made.

As long as you didn't hand over a bunch of evidence to SysDef, there should only be a few ships to contend with at the first battery, and you'll soon be zooming off to Battery Beta.

The second battery will also be out of commission, and there will be more enemies to contend with here, but your allies will keep bolstering your strength. Estelle Vincent will soon show up to lend her firepower to yours, so long as you didn't sell her out to Bayu and gave her some money for her trouble back on Neon.

Be wary, as Alex Tong's ship - Azrael's Sword - will be defending Battery Beta, and can be a handful if he gets on your tail, so scope him out early and take him down.

Finally, Battery Gamma will also have a few powerful SysDef ships guarding it, but Huan Daiyu will arrive to help even the odds if you didn't pin the blame on her back when you stole the ComSpike. If it's just you vs SysDef, take them on carefully and be sure to loot the wreckage for Ship Parts.

Defend The Key

Once you've defended and repaired all three of the Battery Turrets, be sure to take a moment to make sure all of your ship systems are fully repaired and ready to go, and that you loot any destroyed ships for any Ship Parts they might have, as the biggest battle is still coming.

As you arrive at The Key, a whole fleet of UC SysDef ships will be backed up by the very imposing Vigilance, who will demand a surrender. Luckily, you'll be backed up by the previous Crimson Fleet Captains (if you played your cards right), along with Naeva Mora and two small Crimson Fleet pirate ships.


The key to this fight is survival above all else, as the Vigilance is essentially untouchable until Jazz can get a clean shot -- which means you will need to carefully pick off every other target before you can open fire at the flagship. Given that it may just be you and the captains (or less) against the horde, it's unwise to charge at the invincible Vigilance and its fleet head on. Instead, use The Key itself as cover and try to keep it as a physical shield should the Vigilance begin to target you with its extremely powerful guns.

Let the other captains draw fire from the Vigilance, and then let the other SysDef ships come towards the Key as you open fire from afar, and then chase them down one by one. It can be tough to keep the Vigilance's position in mind, so try to keep an eye out for it as much as possible, or if you see a huge array of lasers hitting you, that's your cue to retreat to the other side of The Key.

If the annoying number of escorts wasn't bad enough, reinforcements will come in periodically to stretch the battle out, so use this time to regroup, heal your ship with Ship Parts, and try to find some distance to let your shields recharge for the next wave. The good news is that you'll get reinforcements of your own in the form of other captains you didn't screw over, which can include Adler Kemp and Evgeny Rokov.

Once every smaller SysDef ship has been taken care of and reinforcements dealt with, Jazz will finally have a clear shot to disable the Vigilance's outer shield. Delgado will order everyone to open fire, so this is your cue to put all power into your guns and unload.

Make use of the Targeting Skill to completely destroy the rest of its shielding, and then focus on its weapons. Make no mistake, even in this state, the Vigilance is more than capable of turning its armaments on you and slicing through your ship before you can properly retreat.

Instead, try to disable its systems from a longer range and then move in close to empty your missles and other weapons while it's vulnerable, and soon the ship will be properly disabled, allowing you to board for the final push.

Reach the Operations Center of the Vigilance


Unlike The Key, there's much of the Vigilance that you haven't yet had access to, and rather than give you a straight shot to the command center as usual, a number of sealed doors will require you to detour across the entire ship to reach Commander Ikande and the Operations Center.

Take out the enemies in the hallway as you move right instead to reach the area where the Brig is, and a door is now opened forward, but you'll have some side objectives here.

Along with an advanced-locked door on the right to a storage closet of weapon crates and ammo, you can enter the brig to take down Armin Petrosyan, the chief in charge of the prison here.

Defeat him and his underlings as well as a few turrets in the corners, and you can loot his body to grab the UC Vigilance Brig Password to his terminal, and use it to unlock all the cells where Crimson Fleet Pirates are being kept. Freeing these guys will help you in the rooms to come, especially if you are down a few captains.

Head down past the Brig and Interrogation rooms, and you can find an expert-locked Ship Office door on the right leading around a cargo bay to ambush the officers within (or take the unlocked door directly into the fight). However, if you manage to unlock the door, you can beeline to the Cargo Bay terminal and disable the turrets and robots aiding SysDef in the fight.

As you move into the room, you'll get some help on the far side courtesy of Evgeny Rokov, who you can speak to after mopping up the cargo bay, and have a quick chat before moving onwards.

Past Rokov, head down the next hall towards Robotics, where a line of SysDef Security robots will start activating and ambushing you in the large hall.


You can try picking the master lock terminal near the start of the hall, or the advanced locked terminal halfway down -- otherwise it's a good bet to start chucking a ton of grenades into the middle of the hall.

Luckily, you'll have a bit of help on the other side of the hall courtesy of Mathis Castillo, and after you defeat the bots, you can stop to have a quick chat before looting the table next to him and the advanced-locked safe nearby.

Up the stairs, you'll meet up with Naeva and a small squad of pirates who will follow your lead as you take point when it comes to assaulting the Engineering Bay. Let them take the upper doors while you go through the lower door, and take aim at the assorted explosive barrels where many of the SysDef enemies have posted up.

Watch out for ambushes on the sides of the room's narrow alcoves as well as the turrets in the corners, and let Naeva do what she does best if you need to back off and retreat for a moment.

The group will accompany you through a few more rooms, waiting for you to make the first breach before following behind you, so you have time to ready yourself for the next assault.

Once you reach the third room, take to the upper level to ambush those below and ignite all the explosive barrels you can to make quick work of the enemies.

When everyone is dead, Naeva will secure the area and leave you to run on ahead. You can speak with her if you want, then check to the upper right corner to find an master-locked safe among some other loot.


Head up the stairs again towards the Weapons Bays, and you'll find Adler Kemp, who will motion you into a security room. He'll offer to hack the master-locked terminal nearby to take control of a bunch of robots to help you in the corridors beyond full of SysDef, or open an alternate path to move around them.

Grab the weapons on the rack before leaving the room, then either head down through the newly opened weapon bay hall or the other one where turrets and robots will gun down the opposition.

After this, you should reach stairs up to the Mess Hall, where a Huan Daiyu is waiting by a bunch of dead UC SysDef guards. Sneak in through the upper floor of the Mess Hall with her and open fire on the enemies below, and toss some grenades to keep them pinned down.

There's a few rooms in the back with stairs down to the lower level, so be sure to clear them and the turrets out before talking to Huan and moving on to the next area.

The next major area you'll come across is the Crew Quarters, which is lined with bunks and large rooms across an upper and lower level. Move ahead to the far end to take out the turrets and assist Estelle Vincent with cleaining out the rest of SysDef posted here, and be sure to chat with her.

You can also explore the upper level of Crew Quarters to find Commander Ikande's room and personal terminal alonside an expert-locked safe and goods, and Lt. Commander Toft's room next door with her personal terminal.


Move past Estelle into the last leg of your journey towards the Operations Center. As you reach Flight Control, Ikande will order an evacuation, and you can either mow down escaping cadets or let them flee past you - the battle is nearly over.

Loot what you need in Flight Control, and you'll finally reach a path over to where Ikande and Toft are waiting for the final showdown.

Deal with Commander Ikande

Entering the Operations Center, Ikande will engage in dialogue with you (much to Toft's annoyance). You can choose to give reason for your actions or not -- but the real choice will come down to how you deal with Ikande. He's triggered a self destruct sequence, and you have a few ways of dealing with it.

Opting to persuade Ikande, you'll have to gamble on a high persuasion skill to help you convince him that he'll be saving lives of his crew by giving himself and the ship up. It's not an easy solution (and it might go against your blood-thirsty style), but it will end everything without having to deal with another fight.

Note that if you chose the Wanted Trait for your character, you can also threaten to torture and ransom his crew unless he surrenders, which will bypass the need for persuasion entirely.

If diplomacy was never an option, you can attack Ikande and Toft to get the abort codes for the self destruct sequence by force. Each of them carries one part of the code, meaning you'll need to defeat both of them in a 2v1 battle, which can be joined by a few turrets and robots activated on the lower level.

Ikande and Toft are pretty fierce fighters, so try to separate them if you can and use grenades to pressure them before you take them out one by one. Toft won't have much loot to offer besides her code, but Commander Ikande will also drop his unique razorback pistol, Unfair Advantage.


With both of their codes in hand, interact with the main central terminal on the upper floor and call off the self destruct, and the Vigilance will be yours.

Return to the Key

However you dealt with the situation, Naeva Mora will bust in with her team and lock everything down (late as usual), and you'll be clear to head back to meet with Delgado at The Key.

Your fellow pirates will cheer you on as you board the station, and you'll find all the captains who stuck around waiting for you alongside Jazz, Delgado, and Naeva in the Operations Center.

After a short but meaningful speech, you'll finally be awarded your cut of the major loot from Kryx's Legacy -- along with a neat pirate uniform!

That's not all however, as you can also talk to Naeva Mora to officially depart the rank of "Rook" and get your own Captain's Key to the quarters just past the Operations Center beyond the lift area. It may be small, but there's a decoration panel near the door you can use to make the quarters your own in true pirate style.

As a final added bonus, if you became buddies with Mathis by not ratting him out, he'll now offer to join your crew whenever you want!

Up Next: Burden of Proof - All Evidence Locations

PreviousEye of the Storm WalkthroughNextBurden of Proof - All Evidence Locations

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Legacy's End Walkthrough - Starfield Guide - IGN (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.