Kossuth County Advance from Algona, Iowa (2024)

to to PAGE NINE DAL AUGUST 11, 1981. ROASTITH COUNTY ADVANCE. ALGONA, TOWA FARM WILBUR J. PAYNE, Editor What's a Big Farm Volght with other rela- of equipment la used, the crop tiven here. Mra.

Mindemann and quiring four operations, I. e. two Mr. Voight are sister and brother. one-way diskings, drilling, and harLydia Meyer, Bernice Bulgeman, vesting.

In an average year the and Kuecker were at gross Income might be $14,000 for J. E. Walker's, helping Mrs. Walk- the 1,000 acres. er cook for threshers, last week Contrasted to this is a 28-acre celWednesday.

ery field in New Jersey which yields The Henry Bells, with Mra. Frank $18,000 to $20,000. However, Instead Bell and her children, all of Blue of having 1,000 acrea of whent land Earth, spent Tuesday with Mrs. and going over it four times, the Frank Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

colory goes over his 28 acres D. Cordes. farmer. thus actually covers Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Wehrspann about one-fifth as much ground on were at Fort Dodge a week ago, and 28 acres as the wheat farmer covers their son Harold had adenoids and on 1,000 acres, and gets more money his tonsils removed. for doing It. The Fred GoetscheR, Grand Rapids In the same way 200 acres of Iowa and Mrs. B. A.

Goetsch, Hum- corn might require $4,000 of equipboldt, spent last Thursday at C. L. ment and return a gross yleld of Cavanaugh's, $6,170, using 10-year average figAugust Perti, Cedar Rapids, son ures. This is contraated with a 40- Mr. and Mra.

Carl Perti, is visit- New York farm using Ing here, He works in a meat mar- $5,000 worth of equipment, where ket. land is worked and reworked till The Arthur Palmers, Dolliver, the total coverage amounts to 700 spent Sunday at John Meine's. Mrs. acres and produces $15,000 to $20,000 Palmer was formerly Ade Meine. from 40 acres.

Cleophas, Banker and Mrs. If there can be such a wide differJohn Cullen, is here from ence In returns from land, certainly olsawhers he Behnke drove employed. here Friday there farmer is to plenty better of himself opportunity and for get a from Bennet to get his wife, who Into the big earning class. Some had visited local relatives. those 160-acre farms in the east acThe J.

W. Mielkes, of tually pay out as much for trucking kee, visited Mr. and Mrs. August and brokerage commissions as the Mielke last week. gross income from western farms six Mr.

and Mrs. James Hogan have times as large. a new' son, born Saturday, named There must be opportunities for have read an article in the they issue of Country Gentleman circuit "What Ta a Big Farm?" suth is mention of A The wheat farm, on which $6,000 owned Improvement in Kossuth, it are smart enough to see them. "The 38 operations required on the celery farm Included plowing, disking, three times, harrowing, setting the plants, 13 cultivations, hilling six times, spraying ten times, tertilizing twice, and harvesting. Except for first cultivation this was all done by power.

Demonstration Team Wins. During the last few weeks one of girls of the farm department household has served on a 4-H demonstration team, and we have had opportunity to watch the intenshard work that goes into Buccess of it. The demonstration had to do with altering the sleeves of a dress suit various types feminine pulchritude. The girls had instructions from the home demonstration agent and advice from their club leader, also criticism from college extension worker from Ames. out the the talk' they They assembled, materials, wrote were to make, and typed sections spoken when the demonstration in progress.

They also made was posters illustrating the subject, cured cloth, thread and tools work with, made up sections of garment to be demonstrated, then worked early and late at practicing for the team work. They were up late and hard work the night before their demonstration, then rose early next morning, drove to Bancroft, put on last-minute dress rehearsal, finally decided that everything was wrong with their demonstration and cussed seriously a scheme to sickness to avoid giving their onstration, being, sure, as one them said, would be a Well, in the end courage returned, the demonstration was put on, they won first place! The girls, were Mary Glach and Alice will little now act get at a the chance state to fair, show, goes, well. Show Herds Depart. Four herds of cattle representative of the dairy breeds of Kossuth Edward Manha last week Wednesday. There are now three boys and one girl in the family.

Mr. Maahs and his 'brother Herman run 'a produce station here. The Chris Blinkmang, Len Verne, spent Sunday Albert Behnke'8, They brought home Mrs. Blinkman's brothers, Elmer and Frank Behnke, who had visited them two weeks. Lillian Heldenwith returned Sunday evening from Lone Rock, where she had vialted the Henry Kuecks.

Hilda and Elma Potratz, who work We at Fort Dodge, are at home for a August week's vacation. 'entitled, The August Mindemanna, Apache, There visited last week at: Carl Kansas King's Speech Old Rite The king's speech is in reality the declaration of the causes of the summons of the British parliament and forms the legal for the deliberations of the two houses. It gives in brond outline the legislative program of the session. Originally the king actually delivered his speech in person and parliament could not assemble until the king thought fit to summon it. The "king's speech" apparently dates back to "model parliament" of Edward summoned In 1295.

Cresco Frank Huldeman, was up and about last week-end, after having suffered severely two weeks with a boil und abscess on knce, Mrs, Frank Huldeman, of Cresco township, Is clerking at the Cummins variety store while Mr. and Mrs. Cummins are taking a vacation. Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Potter spent with their daughter, Mrs. Friday Victor Applegate, near Corwith, Mrs. D.

D. Sparks was hostess to the Mothers and 'Daughters last Thursday, 12 members and one guest attending. There was no probut hot-weather menus were gram, discussed. decided to. skip a meeting scheduled for next week Thursday, 50 the next meeting will place September: 3 at Mrs.

Della take Reaper's. The H. Crawfords, Mr. and Mrs. L.

Mrs. Mao Miller, Alice Miller, Minneapolis, and Mrs. June were guests at her daughter the Crawford Bros, farm no north of Whittemore Sunday, where Craw. ford family reunion was held, 32 In the afternoon Mrs. Mae tending.

Miller and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Miller were guests at a Johnson family reunion at the W.

B. Pratt home, Burt, 33 attending. Miller left Monday for her June home at Minneapolis, after having spent part of a two weeks vacation uncle F. L. Miller's.

She at her is office girl for a doctor. at DES MOINES. A. AUG-26 SEPT 4 57 8 days of Education and Recreation OLD OLLIC ACRES FOR YOU OF A GREAT door, $5,000,000 exposition See the autogiro flights, horse Paraces, auto races, "World on rade," fireworks, hippodrome, bands, Chinese International Exhibition, National Livestock Show, Boys and Girls' 4-H Club Congress, Women's Exposition -America's greatest agricultural and livestock fair. An outing you'll never forget, Admission 50c1 Children 25c PLAN YOUR OUTING NOW OWA STATE FAIR on which corn or pasture this on made a poor crop, It there to be an open season for phensants this tall it might be a good time now to run a little advertisem*nt in some publication sportamen offering lease the hunting rights on farms.

Most any group of hunters would rather pay 2. farmer 50c a bird each pheagant and have the fields. free from other hunters. There 18 also A chance to make a little extra by furniehing living quarters or meals. "At the Bancroft public schoolhouse, where the county girls' 4-H club held its Achievement day last week Wednesday, we saw the R.

L. Krantz truck, in charge, of Mrs. Krantz, with a load girls representing the Buffalo Busy Bee club. Mrs. la londer, and Phydells Peterson 1s president.

The girls had filled the big atock truck with camp chaira. They exhibited 36 garments thoy hnd made and took five first four second prizes as a reward for proficiency In the clothing prodect. Mr. and Mrs. Ray west of Bancroft, now Lawrencia" girl in their family.

The young lady, named Shirley Maye, was born May 9. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lampe, a little way north. Mr.

Lawrence's father lives retired in Kansas, The Lawrence oata had threshed 50 bushels an acre by weight on 55 acres and four bushels over good measure. These heavy for, oats. Mrs. Lawrence Bald that recently A fourth-generation picture was taken in her family, the principals being her baby, herself, her mother, Mrs. Henry Lampe, and her grandmother, Mrs.

K. M. Fritz, 85 years of age. Women's Exposition. Des Moines, Special--Women of Iowa will have a complete exposition of their own covering almost every field of feminine interest as 8 feature of the 1931 Iowa State Fair which opens here, August 26 for eight days.

At the request of State Federation of Women's Clubs, Women's Farm Bureaus and other leading women's organizations, the State Fair Board has turned over two of the largest buildings on the fair grounds to be devoted to women's features exclusively. One section of the exposition will be given over to exhibits of inter. for decorating, home economics, home improvement, farm women's projects, welfare, education and art. Another phase will emFREE BREAKER POINT FILE with set of 4 Splitdorf spark plugs $1.28. Approved truck danger signals, 89c; smaller, 39c.

Oll proof piston Ford, set Chevrolet 6, $1.95. on auto supplies at Gamble's. 35-48 CHEVROLET Three left August 6 over the Northwestern for Sac City, where were exhibited at first in a of eight county falrs, Kosincluded. stock Included 14 Guernseys by A. J.

Brown Sons, Alalx Holsteins owned by C. R. Algona farmer down Bode cight Jerseys owned by Walter Fenton, and ten Brown owned by E. C. Zweltel, TI- 38 head are in charge of John assisted by Carl Reynolds, Dwight Hardgrove.

The cattle to come to the Kossuth fair they have cleaned up around rest of the circuit. additional 16 Guernseys were to Sac City to start the circuit Quarton Bosworth, as we last week. Our county la acIn the. show ring this year. NEWS AND COMMENT.

Burlingame, Algona, sold oats from her farm cast of town a bushel one day last week. yield was around' 50 bushels, have a small grasshopper in form department bed. The leaves from a large have beon one-third eaten. plants, Including sweet corn, untouched. the Charles L.

Hawks home, of Bancroft, we learned Thursday that Mr. Hawks, then in Rochester hospital, following an for stomach ulcers, WAS proving, and was soon expected He had been gone Bert Quinn, northwest of was threshing 40 bushels from carly oats, 40 bushels oats when we called last ThursWe noticed a deep bed of hulls around the' granary, that oats had been hulled feed. Florin Hellman, west of Bancroft, owns 160 acres, threshed bushels of oats to the acre from He also has saved 130 litters this season, 'thought they would average 50 pound to the head. Mr. Hellman have been married years.

H. W. Braddock, west of Bancroft, considerable silo filling done August 5. He was putting on which there were few the silo, but gaid his corn sandy land had plenty of There is a gravel pit near by, some of the adjoining land is outstanding examples of the Great American Value Consider how much money brace open torume, lectures, demonstrations, and round table discuesiohs of leading subjects of terest to women Including little theatre playe, pageants, style shown, cooking demonstrations, child health, home furnishing, landscaping and citizenship. It is expected that more than 200,000 women from.

Iowa will attend the exposition, making it the largest event of Ita kind ever held in the state. Exhibits and programs will be open to the public continuously for eight days from August 28 to September 4th. READ THE WANT-ADS. W.HITTEMORE AGENT ATTENDS CHURCH MEET Whittemore, Aug. 11-Arthur Heldenwith motored to Denison Inst week Monday to attend a convention of field men of the Lutheran Aid sociation.

Alex 0, Benz, vice premident from Appleton, spoke on new forma of insurance written by the society and told of the nasociation'8 Increase membership and business in 1030 and thia far In 1931. Mr. and Mra. Benz, with a son and a daughter were en route by auto to California. R.

W. Schultz, general Waterloo, assigned territory to the field men and spoke on. Why Our Insurance Should Bo Carried by Every Lutheran in This Synodical Conference, Mr. Benz WAR hostess at a 3-course dinner at the Hotel Denison. Wegeners in Family Reunion- The William Wegeners, Clinton, came Saturday for vialta, and with Mra.

Wegener'a mother, Mrs. August Schattschnelder, are to drive to Easton, this week Tuesday to vialt another daughter, Mrs. Ferdinand Helge. Wegeners, Schattachneldera, and Fred Wegener Sr. attended a Wogener family reunion at the Ambrose A.

Call state park, Algona, Sunday. Presentation Sisters Are HereSome of the Sisters who will have charge of the Presentation academy during the, coming achool year arrived from Dubuque last week Tuesday. All of the grade teachers last year returned. The high school and music tenchers have not yet arrived. Geneva Walters, Ruth Ann Smith, and Mrs.

William Higgins drove Fort Dodge after the Sisters who are now here. Nephew of A. D. Brogan ShotA. D.

Brogan was at Lake City last week Tuesday to see a nephew, Dean Brogan, 13, who had been shot in abdomen with a 22 rifle Saturday, evening, would before. recover. It was attempt had been made to remove the bullet. The boy, who had been here two before the accident to visit his concle, is in a hospital Lake City. Editor's Daughter is Scalded Mary Anita, daughter of Editor and Mrs.

Seth B. Cairy, was badly burned last week Monday, morning, when she spilled boiling water herself from a kettle while she preparing to wash the breakfast dishes. The kettle turned in hand, and the water scalded the half of her abdomen and her er The leg WAS badly blistered. Beulah Carlisle Finishes SchoolBeulah Carlisle got home week Monday from Lincoln, where she had attended college finished an advanced normal course, also a course in the Keinhoff of Volce. She taught mathematics in college while an Instructor Miss Carlisle has was employed away.

to teach in the Cylinder consolidated schools. Firemen Buy New SirenThe volunteer firemen had a drill and a monthly meeting siren. At present means evening. It was voted. to buy is small fire bell which alarm seldom heard by all the men.

firemen have made a house-to-house sell tickets for a cansass and the proceeds will be used to pay for the siren. Father Veit at Home AgainWilliam Velt, of St. Walter parish, got home a week ael's from month's vacation, which he spent with weeks of brothers and a sister and the other week an tour. the Grand Canyon in zona. Francis Elberts to Algonalaun- Francis N.

Elbert, formerly ECTAL CLINIC Ambulant Proctology. morrhoids: (piles) and ler forms of rectal trouble; on trouble, colitis, Lion. N-CONFINING, TIVE, PAINLESS, OFFICE TREATMENT re dollars per call. Six to calls usually sufficient. WRITE FOR BOOKLET infection, rheumatism, euritis treated by special methods.

DR. R. W. SHULTZ 18-19-20, First National ink Mason City, Ia. Directory Buy Radio SHILING 00 Highboy w0)? wON for only PAlice 6575 this is the biggest dio bargain weever offered! st imagine- -a 7-Tube illeo.

Superheterodyne tit to use the newest Penta Power tube, at this new, usingly low price Highmodel, done in American alant and Maple Tone New Electro-Dy: mle Speaker Can be ought on easy termsme in. See let HEAR de? R. 0. DJUSTROM Algona--Ph 577. Hobarton-Phone 1F11.

scated enst of Feed Store. Rave Philco Replacement Tubes SOILED Monday CLEAN Thursday WHY have your soiled dry out of service in a amper from Monday to Monay. It only means that you lave 1o maintain a larger rardrobe. We call for your rash on Monday and return immaculately clean by hursduy sooner it retulred. 8 Different -Services from which to choose.

Phone 267 KIRSCH LAUNDRY Opp. Courthouse. ICKE, DAY, WEEK. 1 pla Also yearling hens Hamil Leghorn Farm Poroft, Iowa Four Corners William Drayton, who hag -been battling rheumatism two weeks, has been additionally afflicted since gun. day, when he was kicked by a cow.

Edward Rich 18 laid up with an Infected hand which requires treatment by a doctor. Threshing was stopped by rains Saturday and Monday. The crew. resumed work Tuesday atternoon. Ruth Rich has been sick abed during the last week.

Amelia Berneau, went home day, after three months at Noble Mitchell's, helping with housework. gona, Schoby, way, Welsbrod, Swiss lonka. The Brown, and are due after the An taken for tioned tive FARM Nellie the at 16c The We festation Iris planting Nearly were At west cration home. weeks. croft, acre late day.

oat cating hog who acres. he to Mrs. had fore der into of Jess A to Lo the and at a displead demof flop." and who Payne, their all Personal Loans- Milch Cow Loans YOUR DAIRY HERD WITH OUR MONEY Dairy INCREASE cows assure a regular monthly income. We will loan money on your present herd or furnish the funds to purchase additional cows. MONEY ON PERSONAL PROPERTY--Money WE your car is already financed and LOAN the payments too le easy to reduce 19 used tor any purpose.

Perhaps. these monthly payments through our plan. Call at our office or write us for full particulars. THE INLAND FINANCE CORPORATION First door North of Iowa State Bank, Phone 55. IOWA ALGONA Attention, Farmers! You can actually save money by buying your harness from me now! I have reduced my harness ten per cent.

and will give you 20c a bushel for your oats, for the next 30 days, on the purchase price of any style of harness have in the shop. Oats to be delivered at elevator. F. H. SHACKELFORD The Old Reliable Harness Dealer, Algona THE COACH $545 STANDARD 5-WINDOW COUPE $545 SPORT ROADSTER dray line, has moved to Algona, is and works for the county at road now family vacated the grading.

The here and rented a Peter Volk house house in north Algona owned by a Mrs. Goeders. Ball Game Lost to Ledyard- nine to Van Hise took the ball Mr. Sunday in his auto-bungaLedyard locals lost a game to low, and 11-3, Mr. and Mrs.

Van the leave for the YellowLedyard, Hise are to stone' park soon. New Mrs. August SchattSchattschnelder GrandsonMr. word that a girl was and schnelder 'recently have to their daughter born Mrs. Arnold Will, DavenMeta, now has been named port.

The child Marylin Ruth. Ruth Balgeman's Tonsils been at OutBalgeman, had Thursday, reRuth Mason City since She last had her tonsils turned Sunday. removed while 'she was away. See Whittemoro and Mr. Braga took From AboveC.

W. Hansen They climbAn aerial jaunt circled the town three Sunday. ed high and or four times. William Rusch Sr. Other Whittemore.

Mr. and Mra. and her and Mra. H. R.

Zumach Martin Meyers, children, with for Galva, the Lotts Tuesday to visit a daughCreek, leave this week and thence will ter of the to visit the Fred Rusches, go to Racine, Mrs. Kortegast. also Kortegasts, daughter. From there Ing a Rusch visit other relthey go elsewhere to atives. Behnke visited local relaHenry week Sunday and played tiyes a ago as third basehis regular local ball team.

In this position man on the played a colored game Whittemore the Piney Woods Counteam School in Mississippi. try Life Is employed at Carroll in Henry, who Oak chain grocery, fora Council Council Oak merly clerked at the store at Algona. accompanied by Robert motored to, MIlArthur Tuesday Heldenwith, via Dubuque to waukee relatives. They will visit with Arthur's mother, Mrs. bring who has been at a and Mr.

daughter, Milwaukee Robert Heldenwith, Mre. Harold since Braatz, and April. Louis all Esther of the Schultz, Breatz, Easton, Louis Minny spent Sundey They drove, to West at Bend Breatz to home. see the was born to Mr. end ROD in one of these popular models buys eliminates objectionable vibration at its Look over the popular Chevrolet source.

Six-cylinder smoothness is built-in, models illustrated pletely here before you make a motor car economical smoothness. 'Drivers of sixes investment, them from every viewpoint -style, per- quiet, Study and economy. You'll never want less! that dependability money buys more in a In addition, these six- cylinder Chevrolets provide formance, be convinced You'll your understand why, month after a long wheel -base, parallel mounted' springs, Chevrolet. Chevrolet has been leading in sales. smart bodies and unexcelled economy.

Owners. that Chevrolets definitely cost less to bionth, all Chevrolet models, these cars are sixes. write Like that operate and maintain! And you know, as well as engineers do, these features, Chevrolets are design is standard practice among Yet with offered at prices among all quality multi-cylinder practically all cars today. the very lowest for which Nothing less than six Twenty beautiful motor cars are sold. No cylinders gives the fine models, at prices $475 to $675 wonder that the Chevroengine-balance that pro- ranging b.

Michigan, special equipment extra. let Six is called the Great duces a really 'smooth all prices Low S. o. delivered pricer posy M. A.

C. American Value. Flint, flow of power and com- NEW CHEVROLET SIX See your dealer below KOHLHAAS Distributors Fisher Garage, Titonke Roderick Motor Auto Con Lone Rest Wesley Anto Con. Wesley Service.

Kossuth County Advance from Algona, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.