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28 sep 2016
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28 sep 2016
- Coreano
Quality Point(s): 292
Respuestas: 838
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@jeremytoh: the same
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28 sep 2016
- Coreano
Quality Point(s): 57
Respuestas: 88
me gusta: 28
the first one is used between boyfriend and girlfriend,the second one is used between husband and wife
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27 jul 2019
- Coreano
Quality Point(s): 2673
Respuestas: 1308
me gusta: 826
When I hear the first I assume they are either in relationship or married. And the second is definitly they are married
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3 feb 2020
- Coreano
Quality Point(s): 2387
Respuestas: 627
me gusta: 474
Originally yeobo is used by married couples. but I think nowadays there's no such different in meaning, because many unmarried couples are using yeobo to call each other
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