CDC 2G071 - Logistics Plans Craftsman - Vol 1. Expeditionary Logistics Planning (2024)

Table of Contents
1. (001) What is likely to occur if the logistics planner understands the purpose and the responsibilities of MAJCOM and base level planners? 25. (013) What LOGMOD level of detail provides the total number of personnel, total short tons, and total square feet? 26. (013) New UTCs are requested 27. (013) What happens when new equipment types enter the inventory? 28. (013) Right-sized UTCs provide greater mission capability to support an AEG when 29. (013) How should UTCs be developed? 30. (013) The pilot unit develops manpower details 31. (013) What happens if a non-pilot unit does not provide the correct address information to the pilot unit? 32. (013) Accurate management and reporting of UTCs require 33. (013) How do inconsistencies in similar UTCs impact combat readiness? 34. (014) What is the role of MAJCOMs and AFCCs in the deployment process? 35. (015) During the task of determining worst case scenario, when do you task units to assign personnel and equipment in the LOGMOD? 36. (016) The RSO&I function is used in deployment as well as 37. (016) Who directs the subordinate commands carry out missions assigned to the command within the AOR? 38. (016) Who is responsible for accounting for personnel when they arrive in the AOR? 39. (016) UTCs are aggregated at 40. (017) In comparison to a deployment, redeployment is not 41. (017) What is the relationship between the redeployment process and the deployment process? 42. (017) How does the redeployment differ from the deployment? 43. (017) What is the effect on the redeployment if the collection of documents is left until the redeployment order is received? 44. (017) What happens if there is limited MHE available for redeployment? 45. (018) How are WRM assets identified? 46. (018) What is used to identify like assets according to how they are used in the Air Force inventory? 47. (018) How many WRM use categories are there? 48. (018) What must happen before WRM can be used for indirect mission support? 49. (019) What is the relationship between the CWRMO/NCO and the WRMO/NCO? 50. (019) Who participates in WRM surveillance visits with the CWRMM? 51. (019) What type of WRM training is accomplished through a formal briefing or office visit? 52. (019) Who accompanies the WRMNCO during a surveillance visit? 53. (019) Initiating, accomplishing, and directing actions necessary to ensure that the WRM program provides the capability to perform the wartime mission is the purpose of the? 54. (019) Logistics planners assigned as the WRMNCO spend most of their time on the 55. (019) Which of the following is an example of an unauthorized WRM expenditure? 56. (019) Who is responsible for reconstituting WRM that is coded for direct mission support? 57. (020) In interpreting the WPARR, what occurs after the WRMO/NCO and the WRMMs decide what assets will be coded joint use? 58. (020) In what step of interpreting the WCDO does the WRMO/NCO assemble the WRMMs to review the document? 59. (020) In what step of interpreting the WCDO are the WCDO quantities required day-by-day compared to the sortie information for the WAAR? 60. (020) At what step of interpreting the VAL is a meeting held to discuss the status of each vehicle? 61. (020) What step in interpreting the TPFDD includes identification of flying squadrons programmed to conduct flying missions from the planned operating base? 62. (021) Who ensures that WRM authorizations are loaded in the SBSS and the CAS? 63. (021) What happens before the storing unit provides the outload requirements to the transportation section? 64. (021) What happens if the storing unit does not provide the transportation section with the outload requirements? 65. (022) Who provides the support requests to the FAACs? 66. (022) Where does the FMO get the information it needs to put together the funding annex? 67. (022) What does the FMO use the cost basis and the cost method for? 68. (022) Who works with the manpower office to determine manpower impacts required to support the receiver? 69. (022) What office does manpower coordinate with to determine cost factor development in areas involving labor? 70. (022) When the funding annex shows a significant increase 71. (022) If the receiver terminates the support agreement what must be given to the supplier? 72. (022) What is the key to a successful support agreement program? 73. (022) FAACs receive training References
  • 1.

    1. (001) What is likely to occur if the logistics planner understands the purpose and the responsibilities of MAJCOM and base level planners?

    • A.

      A. Activation of the DCC

    • B.

      B. Integration with Air Force functional planning.

    • C.

      C. Cargo deployment function can begin cargo processing.

    • D.

      D. Personnel deployment function receives accurate personnel information.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. Integration with Air Force functional planning.

    As a 7-level Craftsman, it is important that you understand the MAJCOM and base level purpose and responsibilities for logistics plans, including the role of the Air Force (Air Staff and MAJCOM interface) in the overall planning process. A logistics planner integrates Air Force functional planning in support of operational war plans directed by the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) and USAF War and Mobilization Plan (WMP) as well as operations under the Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) concept.

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  • 2.

    25. (013) What LOGMOD level of detail provides the total number of personnel, total short tons, and total square feet?

    • A.

      A. Aggregate.

    • B.

      B. Increment.

    • C.

      C. Suffix item.

    • D.

      D. Cargo category code.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. Aggregate.

    LOGMOD Detail Levels
    Detail Level
    Total number of personnel, total short tons, total measurement tons, and total square feet.
    Total number of authorized personnel and number of passengers requiring transportation, total short tons, measurement tons (including barrels), and total square feet of bulk, oversize, outsize, and non-air-transportable cargo (by UTC and cargo increment number (CIN)).
    Cargo Category Code
    Total number of authorized personnel by officer, enlisted, and civilian (by UTC), total short tons and/or measurement tons (including barrels),total square feet of cargo as identified by the UTC, or CIN three-position cargo category code.
    Total number of passengers by Service specialty code (i.e., Air Force specialty code (AFSC)), by UTC, individual dimensional data (expressed in length, width, and height in number of inches) of cargo by equipment (as defined by individual national stock number) by UTC, and further defined as a group of equipment (consolidated) or single piece of cargo planned for shipment.
    Item Number
    Total number of passengers by Service specialty code (i.e., AFSC) in deployment sequence (by line number), individual weight (in pounds) and dimensional data (expressed in length, width, and height in number of inches) of equipment in deployment sequence number by line number. Further defined as a piece of cargo on an increment. An item is normally a single piece of equipment, or loaded container of equipment, that is loaded on an increment.

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  • 3.

    26. (013) New UTCs are requested

    • A.

      A. every six years.

    • B.

      B. when a desired capability does not exist.

    • C.

      C. when required by the installation commander.

    • D.

      D. when the functional manager determines they are needed.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. when a desired capability does not exist.

    New UTCs are requested when a desired capability does not exist. This means that if there is a specific capability or function that is needed but not currently available, a request can be made for a new UTC to be created. This allows for the development and implementation of the necessary capability to meet the requirements of the installation or organization.

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  • 4.

    27. (013) What happens when new equipment types enter the inventory?

    • A.

      A. HQ USAF is notified.

    • B.

      b. The functional manager is contacted.

    • C.

      C. New UTCs must be developed.

    • D.

      D. The IDO is notified.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. New UTCs must be developed.

    When new equipment types enter the inventory, new UTCs (Unit Type Codes) must be developed. UTCs are unique codes that identify specific types of equipment and their associated capabilities. Developing new UTCs allows for proper tracking, maintenance, and allocation of resources for the new equipment. It also ensures that the equipment is properly integrated into the inventory management system.

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  • 5.

    28. (013) Right-sized UTCs provide greater mission capability to support an AEG when

    • A.

      A. tasked as stand alone.

    • B.

      B. deployed by themselves.

    • C.

      C. tasked by the CCDR.

    • D.

      D. integrated with other right-sized UTCs.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. integrated with other right-sized UTCs.

    A right-sized UTC is one that provides a generic building block capability. This provides greater flexibility to planners and enables optimal support to the warfighting combatant commander (CCDR) or component. When integrated with other right-sized UTCs, it provides greater mission capability needed to support an air expeditionary group (AEG), air expeditionary wing (AEW), or air and space expeditionary task force (AETF).

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  • 6.

    29. (013) How should UTCs be developed?

    • A.

      a. As two person capability.

    • B.

      B. As a parent/child relationship.

    • C.

      C. To allow them to be easily fragmented.

    • D.

      D. To allow tasking from a single organization.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. To allow tasking from a single organization.

    UTCs should be developed to allow tasking from a single organization. This means that a single organization should have the authority and responsibility to assign tasks to the UTCs. This ensures clear lines of communication and accountability within the organization. It also allows for efficient coordination and decision-making, as tasks can be assigned and executed without the need for multiple organizations to be involved. This approach streamlines the process and enables quicker response times and more effective execution of tasks.

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  • 7.

    30. (013) The pilot unit develops manpower details

    • A.

      A. with MAJCOM’s assistance.

    • B.

      B. in coordination with the non-pilot unit.

    • C.

      C. in conjunction with the base manpower office.

    • D.

      D. in coordination with the AEG commander.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. in conjunction with the base manpower office.

    The pilot unit:
    • Submits and coordinates UTC changes through its MAJCOM. (Note: Air National Guard (ANG) units submit all UTC changes to NGB/A4RX for staffing with info to ANG Office of the FAM Oversight (OFAMO).)
    • Develops manpower detail in conjunction with the MRA FAM, MRA Manpower office, and base Manpower office. For personnel-only UTCs (deployment indicator (DEPID) code P), units contact the MRA UTC FAM before developing and reporting manpower detail.
    • Develops LOGDET using the appropriate allowance standard (AS) (e.g., i.e., Weapons System Table of Allowances (WSTA), Equipment Supply Listing (ESL)) as the source document based on the mission capability of the UTC.
    • Coordinates recommended changes to LOGDET and manpower detail with nonpilot units. Pilot units must know who their nonpilot units (users of the same UTC) are and in turn, nonpilot units must know who the pilot unit is for UTCs for which they are notionally tasked.

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  • 8.

    31. (013) What happens if a non-pilot unit does not provide the correct address information to the pilot unit?

    • A.

      A. The pilot unit will call the MAJCOM FAM.

    • B.

      B. The non-pilot unit will call the IDO.

    • C.

      C. The coordination process will not function efficiently.

    • D.

      D. The FAM will call the IDO.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. The pilot unit will call the MAJCOM FAM.

    If a non-pilot unit does not provide the correct address information to the pilot unit, the pilot unit will call the MAJCOM FAM. This suggests that the MAJCOM FAM is responsible for resolving issues related to incorrect address information and the pilot unit relies on them for assistance in such cases.

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  • 9.

    32. (013) Accurate management and reporting of UTCs require

    • A.

      A. daily reporting.

    • B.

      B. uploading to the LOGMOD system.

    • C.

      C. liaison with the IDO.

    • D.

      D. a coordinated effort between the pilot and non-pilot units.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. a coordinated effort between the pilot and non-pilot units.

    It is a coordinated effort between the pilot and nonpilot units to accurately manage and report on UTCs. (page 2-4)

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  • 10.

    33. (013) How do inconsistencies in similar UTCs impact combat readiness?

    • A.

      A. Errors could under-equip a deploying unit.

    • B.

      B. Errors could over-equip a deploying unit.

    • C.

      C. Inconsistencies will not impact readiness.

    • D.

      D. Combat readiness is always consistent.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. Errors could under-equip a deploying unit.

    Inconsistencies in these UTCs could impact combat readiness. In particular, these errors could lead to under-equipping a deploying unit or overstating requests for strategic lift. (page 2-4)

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  • 11.

    34. (014) What is the role of MAJCOMs and AFCCs in the deployment process?

    • A.

      A. Certify tasked forces.

    • B.

      B. Provide HQ USAF visibility over deployed forces.

    • C.

      C. Far-reaching responsibilities and authorities.

    • D.

      D. Responsible for execution of the AEF schedule.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. Far-reaching responsibilities and authorities.

    -The COMACC, as the primary force provider, serves as the tasking authority for the AEF and is responsible for execution of the AEF schedule.
    MAJCOMs, Air Force Component Command, and other staff level agencies like AFPC/DPW have far reaching responsibilities and authorities on the deployment process.

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  • 12.

    35. (015) During the task of determining worst case scenario, when do you task units to assign personnel and equipment in the LOGMOD?

    • A.

      A. Before briefing the wing/cc.

    • B.

      B. Before reviewing OPLANs and CONPLANs for each unit on the installation.

    • C.

      C. After the IDO updates LOGMOD with the worst case tasking information.

    • D.

      D. Before identifying the total number of personnel affected after reviewing plans, UTA, and WAAR.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. After the IDO updates LOGMOD with the worst case tasking information.

    1-IDO and all planners
    Review operation plans (OPLAN) and concept plans (CONPLAN) for each unit on the installation.
    2-IDO and all planners
    Create a report detailing all D_ _ coded UTCs with the exception of DXX that includes all AEF rotations from the UTC Availability for each unit.
    3-IDO, and all planners
    Review the War Aircraft Activity Report.
    Identify total number of personnel affected after reviewing plans, UTC availability module (UTA), and Wartime Aircraft Activity Report (WAAR).
    Identify total number of short tons affected after reviewing plans, UTA, and WAAR.
    Identify total number of D_ _ UTCs affected after reviewing plans, UTA, and WAAR.
    Brief Wing/CC and receive concurrence from Wing/CC.
    Update LOGMOD with worst case tasking information.
    Task units to assign personnel and equipment to worst case tasking in LOGMOD.

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  • 13.

    36. (016) The RSO&I function is used in deployment as well as

    Correct Answer
    D. D. redeployment.

    Deployment is movement of forces and their sustainment from their point of origin to a specific operational area to conduct joint operations. Reception, staging, on-ward movement, and integration (RSO&I) is the final stage of deployment. It is important to remember that RSO&I functions are applicable to both the deployment and redeployment phases of military operations. RSO&I is the essential process that transitions deploying forces—consisting of personnel, equipment, and materiel arriving in theater—into forces capable of meeting the CCDR’s operational requirements.

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  • 14.

    37. (016) Who directs the subordinate commands carry out missions assigned to the command within the AOR?

    • A.

      A. The executive agent.

    • B.

      B. The SecDef.

    • C.

      C. The CCDR.

    • D.

      D. The supporting commander.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. The CCDR.

    The CCDR directs subordinate commands and forces as necessary to carry out missions assigned to the command, including authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations, joint training, and logistics within the area of responsibility (AOR). Any force assigned to a CCDR may be transferred from that command only as directed by the SecDef and under procedures prescribed by the SecDef and approved by the President.

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  • 15.

    38. (016) Who is responsible for accounting for personnel when they arrive in the AOR?

    • A.

      A. RCC.

    • B.

      B. CRF.

    • C.

      C. CDF.

    • D.

      D. PERSCO teams

    Correct Answer
    D. D. PERSCO teams

    The PERSCO team usually operates the RPU and accounts for all arriving and departing personnel. The PERSCO team establishes strength accountability for everyone they are responsible for, regardless of location and update the information in the accountability system. The kind of information updated in the accountability system are arrival dates and force gains.
    The PERSCO team establishes reception procedures and meets personnel when they arrive on station. The team obtains one copy of contingency, exercise, and deployment (CED) orders and completes an AF Form 245, Employment Locator and Processing Checklist, on each individual.
    However, if a PERSCO team is not available, the troop commander appoints a person to maintain accountability until a PERSCO team arrives.

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  • 16.

    39. (016) UTCs are aggregated at

    • A.

      A. Dover AFB, DE.

    • B.

      B. Travis AFB, CA.

    • C.

      C. McChord AFB, WA.

    • D.

      D. an APOD.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. an APOD.

    UTCs are collected or grouped together at locations in the United States or overseas that are designated as an aggregation point. War planners try to aggregate most UTCs to a location where airlift will arrive to take the cargo and/or personnel to the aerial port of debarkation (APOD).

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  • 17.

    40. (017) In comparison to a deployment, redeployment is not

    • A.

      A. a return to home station.

    • B.

      B. a deployment in reverse.

    • C.

      C. an onward or forward deployment.

    • D.

      D. an air expeditionary force (AEF) rotation.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. a deployment in reverse.

    Redeployment encompasses the transfer of a unit, an individual, or supplies deployed in one area to another area, to another location within the area, or to home station. Redeployment is not the same as “deployment in reverse.” Redeploying may, for military, political, or diplomatic reasons, be far more rapid than the deployment phase. Similar to deployment, redeployment operations encompass four phases:
    • Redeployment planning.
    • Pre-redeployment activities.
    • Movement.
    • Joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (JRSOI).

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  • 18.

    41. (017) What is the relationship between the redeployment process and the deployment process?

    • A.

      A. There is no relationship.

    • B.

      B. The redeployment process is a round trip.

    • C.

      C. The deployment process is a one-way trip.

    • D.

      D. The redeployment mirrors the deployment.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. The deployment process is a one-way trip.

    The correct answer is c. The deployment process is a one-way trip. This means that once something is deployed, it cannot be redeployed. The redeployment process, on the other hand, suggests that something can be deployed multiple times. Therefore, there is a relationship between the two processes, where the deployment process is a one-way trip and the redeployment process allows for multiple deployments.

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  • 19.

    42. (017) How does the redeployment differ from the deployment?

    • A.

      A. Redeployment is slow.

    • B.

      B. Deployment is far more rapid than redeployment.

    • C.

      C. Deployment is the same compared to redeployment.

    • D.

      D. Redeployment happens more rapidly than a deployment.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. Redeployment happens more rapidly than a deployment.

    Redeployment refers to the process of moving resources or personnel from one location or task to another. It is stated that redeployment happens more rapidly than a deployment, indicating that the process of moving resources or personnel during redeployment is faster compared to the initial deployment. This suggests that redeployment is characterized by a quicker turnaround time and a more efficient relocation of resources.

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  • 20.

    43. (017) What is the effect on the redeployment if the collection of documents is left until the redeployment order is received?

    • A.

      A. There is no effect.

    • B.

      B. Aircraft will be placed on stand by.

    • C.

      C. It could cause major delays in the redeployment process.

    • D.

      D. The LOGPLAN will not be implemented.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. It could cause major delays in the redeployment process.

    If the collection of documents is left until the redeployment order is received, it could cause major delays in the redeployment process. This means that if the necessary documents are not collected in advance, it could result in significant delays in the process of redeploying resources.

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  • 21.

    44. (017) What happens if there is limited MHE available for redeployment?

    • A.

      A. The commander notifies the MAJCOM.

    • B.

      B. The deployed commander notifies Air Staff.

    • C.

      C. The C2 notifies the RAT.

    • D.

      D. The pallet build-up area is located as near to aircraft load sites as possible.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. The pallet build-up area is located as near to aircraft load sites as possible.

    • In the event of limited materiel handling equipment (MHE), locate the pallet build-up area and the aircraft silhouette as near to aircraft load sites as possible to help reduce MHE requirements. (pg 2-15)

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  • 22.

    45. (018) How are WRM assets identified?

    • A.

      A. By category.

    • B.

      B. As swing stock only.

    • C.

      C. As starter stock only.

    • D.

      D. By special Army classification identifiers.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. By category.

    WRM assets are identified by category. This means that they are classified and grouped based on their specific type or category. This helps in organizing and managing the assets more effectively. By categorizing the assets, it becomes easier to track and locate them when needed. It also allows for better planning and allocation of resources. By identifying WRM assets by category, it ensures that they can be easily identified and accessed when required for military operations or other purposes.

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  • 23.

    46. (018) What is used to identify like assets according to how they are used in the Air Force inventory?

    • A.

      A. Use code.

    • B.

      B. PN.

    • C.

      C. SN.

    • D.

      D. NSN.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. Use code.

    Assets in the Air Force inventory are identified according to how they are used using a use code. This code helps to categorize and track assets based on their specific purpose or function within the Air Force. It allows for efficient management and organization of assets, making it easier to locate and utilize them when needed. A use code provides valuable information about the asset's intended use and helps to ensure that it is properly assigned and accounted for within the inventory system.

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  • 24.

    47. (018) How many WRM use categories are there?

    • A.

      A. 1

    • B.

      B. 2

    • C.

      C. 4

    • D.

      D. 6

    Correct Answer
    C. C. 4

    There are four WRM (Weather Risk Management) use categories.

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  • 25.

    48. (018) What must happen before WRM can be used for indirect mission support?

    • A.

      A. Base commander approval.

    • B.

      B. WRMO must approve the request.

    • C.

      C. The IDO must approve the request.

    • D.

      D. The request must be forwarded by the WRMO/NCO through the WRMPM to the next approval level.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. The request must be forwarded by the WRMO/NCO through the WRMPM to the next approval level.

    Before WRM can be used for indirect mission support, the request must be forwarded by the WRMO/NCO through the WRMPM to the next approval level. This implies that there is a specific process in place for requesting and approving the use of WRM for indirect mission support, and it involves multiple levels of approval. The approval of the base commander, WRMO, and IDO are not explicitly mentioned as necessary steps in the process, indicating that the request must go through the WRMPM and the next approval level before it can be granted.

  • 26.

    49. (019) What is the relationship between the CWRMO/NCO and the WRMO/NCO?

    • A.

      A. The CWRMO/NCO works for the wing commander.

    • B.

      A. The CWRMO/NCO works for the wing commander. b. The CWRMO/NCO provides training to WRMO/NCOs.

    • C.

      C. The WRMO/NCO provides direction to the CWRMO/NCO.

    • D.

      D. The WRMO/NCO work side by side with the CWRMO/NCO in managing WRM.

    Correct Answer
    B. A. The CWRMO/NCO works for the wing commander. b. The CWRMO/NCO provides training to WRMO/NCOs.

    The correct answer is a. The CWRMO/NCO works for the wing commander. This means that the CWRMO/NCO is under the command and supervision of the wing commander. The CWRMO/NCO is responsible for managing the wing's resources and ensuring they are properly maintained and ready for use. This includes coordinating with the WRMO/NCOs, who are responsible for managing resources at the squadron level. The CWRMO/NCO may provide training to the WRMO/NCOs to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage resources within their squadrons.

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  • 27.

    50. (019) Who participates in WRM surveillance visits with the CWRMM?

    • A.

      A. Installation commander.

    • B.

      B. Support agreement manager.

    • C.

      C. WRMM.

    • D.

      D. CWRMO/NCO.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. CWRMO/NCO.

    The CWRMO/NCO participates in WRM surveillance visits with the CWRMM. This suggests that the CWRMO/NCO plays a role in monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of the WRM program. The other options, such as the installation commander, support agreement manager, and WRMM, may have other responsibilities related to WRM but are not specifically mentioned in the context of surveillance visits.

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  • 28.

    51. (019) What type of WRM training is accomplished through a formal briefing or office visit?

    • A.

      A. Orientation.

    • B.

      B. Small group.

    • C.

      C. Initial and recurring.

    • D.

      D. Large group training.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. Orientation.

    Orientation training is accomplished through a formal briefing or office visit. This type of training is designed to introduce new employees or individuals to the organization, its policies, procedures, and overall work environment. It helps them become familiar with their roles and responsibilities and provides them with the necessary information to navigate the workplace effectively. Orientation training is typically conducted on an individual or small group basis to ensure that participants receive personalized attention and have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have.

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  • 29.

    52. (019) Who accompanies the WRMNCO during a surveillance visit?

    • A.

      A. Group commander.

    • B.

      B. Installation commander.

    • C.

      C. WRMM.

    • D.

      D. CWRMO.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. WRMM.

    During a surveillance visit, the WRMNCO is accompanied by the WRMM. The WRMM, or Wing Resource Management Monitor, is responsible for monitoring and managing the resources within the wing. They assist the WRMNCO in conducting the surveillance visit and ensuring that resources are being utilized effectively and efficiently. The WRMM's expertise in resource management makes them the appropriate choice to accompany the WRMNCO during the visit.

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  • 30.

    53. (019) Initiating, accomplishing, and directing actions necessary to ensure that the WRM program provides the capability to perform the wartime mission is the purpose of the?

    • A.

      A. WRM Review Board.

    • B.

      B. MAJCOM WRM Review Board.

    • C.

      C. Installation WRM Review Board.

    • D.

      D. AFWERB.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. WRM Review Board.

    The purpose of the WRM Review Board is to initiate, accomplish, and direct actions necessary to ensure that the WRM program provides the capability to perform the wartime mission. This board is responsible for reviewing and evaluating the WRM program to ensure it meets the needs and requirements of the wartime mission. They assess the readiness and effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for improvements or changes as necessary. The WRM Review Board plays a critical role in ensuring that the WRM program is properly managed and maintained to support the military's wartime operations.

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  • 31.

    54. (019) Logistics planners assigned as the WRMNCO spend most of their time on the

    • A.

      A. MAJCOM WRM review board.

    • B.

      B. Installation WRM review board.

    • C.

      C. Air Force WRM Executive Review Board.

    • D.

      D. Component Command level WRM review board.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. Installation WRM review board.

    Logistics planners assigned as the WRMNCO spend most of their time on the Installation WRM review board. This suggests that their main focus is on reviewing and coordinating the logistics plans and requirements at the installation level. They are likely responsible for ensuring that the installation has the necessary resources and capabilities to support wartime operations. This could involve assessing and coordinating the procurement, storage, and distribution of war reserve materials and equipment. They may also be involved in coordinating with other units and organizations within the installation to ensure readiness and preparedness for potential wartime scenarios.

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  • 32.

    55. (019) Which of the following is an example of an unauthorized WRM expenditure?

    • A.

      A. TDY to inventory or rotation WRM assets.

    • B.

      B. Costs for conferences not in direct support of WRM.

    • C.

      C. Individual equipment and TDY for WRM inspection.

    • D.

      D. Cost of WRM support obtained through Support Agreements.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. Costs for conferences not in direct support of WRM.

    The correct answer is b. Costs for conferences not in direct support of WRM. This is an example of an unauthorized WRM expenditure because it involves spending money on conferences that do not directly support the War Reserve Material (WRM) program. WRM expenditures should only be used for activities and resources that directly contribute to the readiness and sustainability of WRM assets.

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  • 33.

    56. (019) Who is responsible for reconstituting WRM that is coded for direct mission support?

    • A.

      A. The using command.

    • B.

      B. The storing command.

    • C.

      C. The WRMNCO.

    • D.

      D. The WRMM.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. The storing command.

    The correct answer is b. The storing command. The storing command is responsible for reconstituting WRM (War Reserve Material) that is coded for direct mission support. This means that the storing command is in charge of ensuring that the necessary WRM is available and ready to be used for direct mission support when needed.

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  • 34.

    57. (020) In interpreting the WPARR, what occurs after the WRMO/NCO and the WRMMs decide what assets will be coded joint use?

    • A.

      A. Convening a meeting at the using installation.

    • B.

      B. Convening a meeting to determine what assets are not coded joint use.

    • C.

      C. Distributing the WPARR to the WRMMs and reviewing the information.

    • D.

      D. Sending a concurrence/non-concurrence letter to the CWRMO/NCO.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. Distributing the WPARR to the WRMMs and reviewing the information.

    After the WRMO/NCO and the WRMMs decide what assets will be coded joint use, the next step is to distribute the WPARR (Work Plan for the Acquisition and Retention of Real Property) to the WRMMs and review the information. This allows the WRMMs to have access to the WPARR and understand the decisions made regarding the coding of joint use assets.

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  • 35.

    58. (020) In what step of interpreting the WCDO does the WRMO/NCO assemble the WRMMs to review the document?

    • A.

      A. 9.

    • B.

      B. 8.

    • C.

      C. 6.

    • D.

      D. 1.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. 1.

    In the first step of interpreting the WCDO, the WRMO/NCO assembles the WRMMs to review the document. This step is crucial as it involves gathering the relevant individuals who will be responsible for analyzing and understanding the content of the WCDO. By bringing together the WRMMs, the WRMO/NCO ensures that all the necessary perspectives and expertise are present to effectively interpret the document.

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  • 36.

    59. (020) In what step of interpreting the WCDO are the WCDO quantities required day-by-day compared to the sortie information for the WAAR?

    • A.

      A. 3.

    • B.

      B. 6.

    • C.

      C. 8.

    • D.

      D. 10.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. 3.

    In step 3 of interpreting the WCDO, the WCDO quantities required day-by-day are compared to the sortie information for the WAAR. This step involves analyzing the daily requirements of the WCDO and comparing them with the actual sorties flown during the WAAR. This comparison helps in determining if the WCDO quantities are sufficient or if any adjustments need to be made.

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  • 37.

    60. (020) At what step of interpreting the VAL is a meeting held to discuss the status of each vehicle?

    • A.

      A. 6.

    • B.

      B. 5.

    • C.

      C. 4.

    • D.

      D. 3.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. 4.

    At step 4 of interpreting the VAL, a meeting is held to discuss the status of each vehicle. This suggests that the meeting takes place before any further steps are taken in the process of interpreting the VAL.

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  • 38.

    61. (020) What step in interpreting the TPFDD includes identification of flying squadrons programmed to conduct flying missions from the planned operating base?

    • A.

      A. 1.

    • B.

      B. 2.

    • C.

      C. 3.

    • D.

      D. 4.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. 1.

    The step in interpreting the TPFDD that includes the identification of flying squadrons programmed to conduct flying missions from the planned operating base is step 1. This step involves determining the specific squadrons that will be responsible for carrying out the flying missions from the designated base.

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  • 39.

    62. (021) Who ensures that WRM authorizations are loaded in the SBSS and the CAS?

    • A.

      A. Installation commander.

    • B.

      B. Support group commander.

    • C.

      C. WRMNCO.

    • D.

      D. WRMPM.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. WRMNCO.

    The WRMNCO is responsible for ensuring that WRM (War Reserve Material) authorizations are loaded in the SBSS (Standard Base Supply System) and the CAS (Consolidated Asset Support System). This means that they are in charge of managing and maintaining the inventory of WRM, ensuring that the correct authorizations are in place, and coordinating with other personnel and systems to ensure accurate and up-to-date records. The installation commander and support group commander may have oversight and decision-making authority, but the WRMNCO is specifically tasked with this responsibility.

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  • 40.

    63. (021) What happens before the storing unit provides the outload requirements to the transportation section?

    • A.

      A. The WRMO/NCO ensures the requirements are input in the ESP.

    • B.

      B. The WRMO/NCO coordinates a meeting with the storing unit and the transportation function.

    • C.

      C. The information is briefed to the WRMRB.

    • D.

      D. Transportation identifies how the outload will be moved.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. The WRMO/NCO coordinates a meeting with the storing unit and the transportation function.

    Before the storing unit provides the outload requirements to the transportation section, the WRMO/NCO coordinates a meeting with the storing unit and the transportation function. This meeting serves as a platform for discussing and coordinating the specific requirements for the outload, ensuring that all parties are on the same page and any necessary arrangements or preparations can be made. This coordination is crucial in ensuring a smooth and efficient outload process.

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  • 41.

    64. (021) What happens if the storing unit does not provide the transportation section with the outload requirements?

    • A.

      A. The WRMMs brief their commanders.

    • B.

      B. The transportation section is not able to load plan the WRM outload.

    • C.

      C. The WRMPM will notify the installation commander.

    • D.

      D. The WRMO/NCO briefs the WRMRB.

    Correct Answer
    B. B. The transportation section is not able to load plan the WRM outload.

    If the storing unit does not provide the transportation section with the outload requirements, the transportation section will not be able to create a load plan for the WRM outload.

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  • 42.

    65. (022) Who provides the support requests to the FAACs?

    • A.

      A. The receiver.

    • B.

      B. Installation commander.

    • C.

      C. Communications squadron FAAC.

    • D.

      D. The SAM.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. The SAM.

    The SAM (System Administrator Manager) provides the support requests to the FAACs. The SAM is responsible for managing and maintaining the FAACs, including handling support requests and ensuring that the systems are functioning properly. They act as the point of contact for any issues or assistance needed with the FAACs, and are responsible for coordinating and resolving any technical problems that may arise.

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  • 43.

    66. (022) Where does the FMO get the information it needs to put together the funding annex?

    • A.

      A. FAAC.

    • B.

      B. SAM.

    • C.

      C. Installation commander.

    • D.

      D. Receiver.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. FAAC.

    The FMO gets the information it needs to put together the funding annex from FAAC.

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  • 44.

    67. (022) What does the FMO use the cost basis and the cost method for?

    • A.

      A. Both are needed to bill the receiver.

    • B.

      B. Either can be used as the sole input for a financial cost analysis.

    • C.

      C. The cost basis is used for supplier calculations and the cost method is used for calculating receiver payments.

    • D.

      D. The cost basis is used for calculating receiver payments. And the cost method is used for supplier calculations.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. Both are needed to bill the receiver.

    The FMO uses the cost basis and the cost method to bill the receiver.

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  • 45.

    68. (022) Who works with the manpower office to determine manpower impacts required to support the receiver?

    • A.

      A. The receiver.

    • B.

      B. Installation commander.

    • C.

      C. The SAM.

    • D.

      D. The FAAC.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. The FAAC.

    The FAAC, or Force Analysis and Assessment Cell, works with the manpower office to determine the manpower impacts required to support the receiver. The FAAC is responsible for analyzing and assessing the force structure and manpower requirements to support various operations and missions. They work closely with the manpower office to ensure that the receiver has the necessary manpower support to carry out their duties effectively.

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  • 46.

    69. (022) What office does manpower coordinate with to determine cost factor development in areas involving labor?

    • A.

      A. The receiver.

    • B.

      b. Installation commander.

    • C.

      C. SAM.

    • D.

      D. FM.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. FM.

    Manpower coordinates with the FM (Facilities Management) office to determine cost factor development in areas involving labor. The FM office is responsible for managing and maintaining the facilities and infrastructure, including labor costs. They have the necessary expertise and information to provide accurate cost factors related to labor, which helps in budgeting and planning for manpower requirements.

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  • 47.

    70. (022) When the funding annex shows a significant increase

    • A.

      A. it is deleted.

    • B.

      B. the installation commander briefs the MAJCOM.

    • C.

      C. the FAACs review the funding annex.

    • D.

      D. the SAM forwards a new funding annex to the receiver for approval.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. the SAM forwards a new funding annex to the receiver for approval.

    When the funding annex shows a significant increase, the SAM (System Acquisition Manager) forwards a new funding annex to the receiver for approval. This implies that when there is a significant increase in funding, a revised funding annex is prepared and sent to the receiver for their approval.

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  • 48.

    71. (022) If the receiver terminates the support agreement what must be given to the supplier?

    • A.

      A. Immediate notice.

    • B.

      B. A minimum of 90 days notice.

    • C.

      C. A minimum of 180 days notice.

    • D.

      D. A minimum of 200 days notics.

    Correct Answer
    C. C. A minimum of 180 days notice.

    The receiver is required to give the supplier a minimum of 180 days notice if they decide to terminate the support agreement. This allows the supplier sufficient time to make any necessary arrangements or adjustments to their operations. It also ensures that both parties have ample time to negotiate and potentially find alternative solutions before the termination takes effect.

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  • 49.

    72. (022) What is the key to a successful support agreement program?

    • A.

      A. Trained receivers.

    • B.

      B. Training in manpower and finance matters.

    • C.

      C. Trained SAMs.

    • D.

      D. FAACs.

    Correct Answer
    D. D. FAACs.

    The key to a successful support agreement program is FAACs.

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  • 50.

    73. (022) FAACs receive training

    • A.

      A. when assigned to the position.

    • B.

      B. when assigned to the squadron.

    • C.

      C. at the 3-level apprentice resident course.

    • D.

      D. through 5-level CDCs.

    Correct Answer
    A. A. when assigned to the position.

    When FAACs (Fire Arms and Ammunition Controllers) are assigned to their position, they receive training. This implies that the training is specific to the duties and responsibilities of their position, and it is provided to them once they are assigned to that particular role. The training may cover various aspects such as handling firearms and ammunition, safety protocols, inventory management, and other relevant skills and knowledge required for their job.

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CDC 2G071 - Logistics Plans Craftsman - Vol 1. Expeditionary Logistics Planning (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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