Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (2024)


  • The game's massive map is filled with hidden areas that most players miss, making exploration incredibly rewarding in Breath of the Wild.
  • Players can discover serene locations like Mount Daphnes and Ash Swamp, offering unique experiences away from the main story.
  • Unique secrets like the Lover's Pond, Gerudo Summit, and Eventide Island provide fun challenges and hidden treasures for dedicated players.

To put it plainly, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has one huge map. The game's open world is absolutely massive and is filled to the brim with different areas to explore. In fact, the map is so large that it is likely that most people who have played the title have missed a variety of different hidden areas, even if they're the sort of players who are meticulous with their exploration.


There are so many things to do in Breath of the Wild, including giving treats to dogs. The best part is that after, they give you treasure!

Some of the best hidden areas in Breath of the Wild are ones that many players aren't aware of, which is a shame. While it's true that the game world is massive and full to the brim with some amazing environments to get lost in, this also leads to most players exploring areas that are more obvious as opposed to the ones that can take a while to find.

Updated on June 9, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Breath of the Wild is easily one of the greatest open-world games ever made. The sheer amount of innovation Nintendo showed in a genre that had become tiresome is a testament to the amazing vision and talent of this first-party developer. The world of Breath of the Wild is so meticulously crafted that players can go through the entire title without placing a single marker in the open world, with visual landmarks doing a great job of guiding gamers to where they need to go in an organic manner. While the simple act of exploration and discovery can be immensely satisfying, there are some locations that end up being left unexplored by many, which is a shame.

24 Mount Daphnes

A Mountain Near The Ancient Tree Stump

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (2)
  • Where to Find: Hyrule Field near a nameless lake with the Ancient Tree Stump in the middle

In the excitement to check out the Ancient Tree Stump, a lot of players may miss out on the scenic mountain that surrounds this area. Mount Daphnes is one of the many serene locations present in the game world where players can kick back and relax after engaging in their fair share of combat.

Barring a Chuchu, there aren't many threats in this location, so players can explore without worrying about being hounded by foes, barring the Stal enemies that can appear at night. Diligent explorers can find a Korok seed to make their exploration in this area worthwhile, making it infinitely clear why the simple act of exploring is so rewarding in both Breath of the Wild and its sequel.

23 Ash Swamp

A Swamp In West Necluda

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (3)
  • Where to Find: Next to Blatchery Plain

Players who fear the dreaded Guardian enemies will definitely want to steer clear of an area that is chock-full of these tough enemies in the early game, meaning that a lot of people won't even make an effort to try and head to Ash Swamp after seeing the dangers that await them from afar. While this is understandable, it still doesn't change the fact that most players will be missing out on a beautiful area with some nice goodies to find.

If players want to hone their skills against the tough Guardians in Breath of the Wild, this area can serve as a nice training ground. Here, gamers can learn how to repel the laser beams, find new strategies to avoid this attack, and figure out the best way possible to take out the nightmarish Guardian Stalkers who can be a pain to deal with during one's journey to Hyrule Castle.

22 Thims Bridge

A Bridge On Top Of The Hylia River

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (4)
  • Where to Find: Between Eldin Canyon and Hyrule Field

Given how easy it is to glide over or swim across the waters of the Hylia River, it's easy to see why players may miss a lot of structures along its coast. One of these points of interest is Thims Bridge, which looks so innocuous that it's easy to see why players will assume that there's not much to do here.


Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - 6 Weapons You Should Save For Bosses

Given the breakable nature of weapons in Breath of the Wild, sometimes its wise to set aside some powerful tools until they're needed in a boss fight.

In fact, barring a Korok Seed that players can find here, there's not a lot to do in Thims Bridge. One thing to note here is that this name is inspired by Link's grandfather in The Minish Cap, whose name is Smith. It won't take an expert to see that the bridge's moniker stems from a reversal of this character's name, which is a minor yet interesting fact that a lot of people aren't aware of.

21 Lon Lon Ranch

The Ruins Of A Legendary Ranch From Ocarina Of Time

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (6)
  • Where to Find: Southeast of Hyrule Castle

Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest video games ever made, setting a template that many future action-adventure games would follow. One of the game's iconic locations is the Lon Lon Ranch, and the ruins of this area are present in Breath of the Wild.

It can be hard to notice this at a glance, especially since this area isn't shown by name. However, veterans of the Zelda franchise need only explore the ruins near Hyrule Castle to recognize some landmarks from Ocarina of Time. It serves as a nice touch for longtime fans of the franchise.

20 Forgotten Temple

An Ancient Temple Devoted To The Goddess Hylia

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (7)
  • Where to Find: Western part of the Great Hyrule Forest region, at the northern end of Tanagar Canyon

The Forgotten Temple plays a much greater role in Tears of the Kingdom, where players must visit it during their quest to uncover Zelda's memories. In Breath of the Wild, it's a location where gamers will only be directed after completing the 120 Shrines to gain the Hero of the Wild set.

The area is littered with Decayed Guardians, making it hard for Link to traverse this area unless he takes care of said enemies first. It also features the largest Goddess Statue in the game, which makes for a neat discovery.

19 The Home Of Horse God Malanya

Revive Link's Deceased Horses

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (8)
  • Where to Find: East of the Horse God Bridge in the Faron Grasslands

With all the monsters and dangerous terrain that this game has in store, there are times when players might end up losing their beloved horse to the dangers of the open world. This can be pretty painful if the player gets attached to a particular steed.


Breath Of The Wild: 10 Secret Side Quests Even Zelda Fans Missed

There's a lot to see and do in Breath of the Wild, and here are 10 secret side quests you probably missed.

Thankfully, players who head to Malanya Spring can find a surprise waiting for them that revives their horses. Players will find a Fairy Fountain-type structure near the spring, which reveals the Horse God Malanya, who can revive any dead horse for a nominal fee.

18 The Secret Debug Room

Players Need To Tamper With The Game's Code To Access This Area

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (10)
  • Where to Find: Not present on the map; it's an unused room called MarioClubTestDungeon that was discovered in the game's code by modders

It's impossible to access this room without messing around with the code of Breath of the Wild. However, players who decide to embark on this technical journey will gain access to the debug room that the developers used to test out all the mechanics of the game.

Pretty much every weapon in Breath of the Wild is present in this room for players to mess around with. There's even a boss battle with a giant bug, although he goes down in one hit.

17 Dungeon 136

A Cut Shrine That Can Be Accessed By Manipulating The Game's Code

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (11)
  • Where to Find: Not present on the map; it's an unused room called Dungeon136 that was discovered in the game's code by modders

It has been confirmed that Breath of the Wild houses a total of 135 shrines for the players to explore, including the DLCs. However, modders have found another secret shrine in the game's code as well.

This shrine is Dungeon 136 and basically serves as an empty room where players generally walk up a set of stairs to receive a blessing. It's a cool secret that only a handful of fans are aware of.

16 Riola Spring

The Great Dragon Farosh Appears Reliably Here

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (12)
  • Where to Find: South of Mount Floria in West Necluda

Riola Spring is one of the most notable locations in Breath of the Wild. However, for some reason, not a lot of people talk about this beautiful area.



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Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sees Link battling a variety of challenging foes. Here's a ranked list of the enemies, in order of difficulty.

It's a shame since Riola Spring features the most frequent and reliable appearances of the Great Dragon Farosh. Players can camp out here to spawn him time and time again, getting as many materials from this dragon as they want.

15 Lurelin Village

A Legendary Village That Not Many People Visit

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (14)
  • Where to Find: On the coast bordering the Faron and Necluda areas in East Necluda

Hidden away near Tuft Mountain, there is a teeny little village that goes by the name of Lurelin. Upon closer inspection, this village seems to be modeled after Outset Island, the starting island of GameCube's The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

The similarities sure are there, and it is a wonderful callback to another great Zelda title, another one that brought with it a very memorable open-world experience, even if most of it was filled with water. While there isn't much to do in Lurelin, it still makes for a great trip down memory lane.

14 Tarrey Town

After Buying A Horse, Players Can Initiate A Quest To Help Build This Town

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (15)
  • Where to Find: The northern section of Lake Akkala in Akkala Highlands, which is uninhabited until Link gets his house built

Tarrey Town is literally the most demanding place in this entire game. Offering perhaps the most expansive side quest in Breath of the Wild, Tarrey Town is a completely optional location that Link and co. build as a team.

There is so much unnecessary nonsense that goes on here (for example, only people with names ending in "son" can be recruited to help in Tarrey Town's formation), but once it's done, it is nice to see all that work culminate in an entire town.

13 Eventide Island

An Isolated Island Where Players Must Complete A Tough Gauntlet

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (16)
  • Where to Find: A small island in the southeastern portion of the Necluda Sea

Eventide Island is a mysterious island found in the southeast corner of Hyrule, and it presents Link with a little challenge upon landing there. Can the player take on this island after losing everything?


10 Mistakes Everyone Makes On Their First Playthrough Of Breath Of The Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a refreshing open-world title, but beginners can fall into these common mistakes if they're not careful.

Eventide strips the player of all of Link's armor and tools and has them start from scratch to find three spirit orbs and deliver them to a platform. If players can do this, they'll be rewarded. It is no easy task, though, as one of the orbs resides within a Hinox. While this challenge can be easily won with the use of Urbosa's Fury, it is still a very fun area to explore.

12 Great Fairy Fountains

Must Be Accessed To Improve A Player's Armor

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (18)
  • Where to Find: The woods near Kakariko Village, south of Tabantha Tower, in the woods near Tarrey Town and within the Leviathan skeleton in Dragon's Exile in Gerudo Desert

The Great Fairy Fountains are completely hidden in Breath of the Wild, so finding the few that are scattered around the map is tough. If the player does find them, these creatures will be willing to upgrade Link's armor if Link has access to the required materials.

Of course, the Great Fairies require rupees to restore their power before they will help upgrade Link's armor. Each takes a higher sum than the last, but their fees are worth the armor upgrades.

11 Lover's Pond

A Unique Heart-Shaped Pond That's Hidden Away

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (19)
  • Where to Find: On the summit of Tuft Mountain in East Necluda, west of Lurelin Village

Lover's Pond is the cutest little area in Breath of the Wild, and it can be found on Tuft Mountain. There is an adorable side quest that can be completed here, and afterward, hey, half the fun of Breath of the Wild is stopping to enjoy the scenery, so why not take a moment and appreciate the little things?

There is also another pond that looks like a broken heart, and a man ends up traveling to it because he gets confused. For such a seemingly insignificant location, it certainly has a lot going on.

10 Taobab Grassland

The Legendary Giant Horse

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (20)
  • Where to Find: South of the Great Plateau and north of the Oseira Plains in the Gerudo Highlands

Taobab Grassland isn't exactly a hidden area on its own. Rather, what it houses deserves a spot on the list. Want to guess what it is? Here's a hint: Massive Horse.


10 Things Breath of the Wild Does Better than Tears of the Kingdom

Tears of the Kingdom is a brilliant sequel to Breath of the Wild, but is it 100% better than its predecessor?

The aptly named Giant Horse can be found and tamed in this area, which makes for a great activity. This thing is about double the size of Link, to give some context. It's a horse that fans didn't know they needed and definitely don't deserve.

9 Basem*nt Of Hyrule Castle

The Best Shield In The Game And An Encounter With A Powerful Stalnox

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (22)
  • Where to Find: Deep in the bowels of Hyrule Castle

Hyrule Castle is the best dungeon that the game has to offer, and there certainly is a lot to explore there. Chances are that players missed quite a bit on their first time around. The castle is full of secrets, but one of the best areas to explore in the castle is the basem*nt.

The path there is absolutely manic, and once inside, there's a boss fight with a skeleton Stalnox. The reward for beating this monster is the incredibly powerful Hylian Shield, which has massive stamina and can reflect Guardian lasers.

8 Fang And Bone

Sell Monster Parts To Gain Rare, Valuable Equipment

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (23)
  • Where to Find: Initially found on the left eye of Skull Lake in Deep Akkala at night

After talking to Kilton, a creature that can be found at night near Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, he will open up his shop. It will be available near important villages at night, and it houses some great items to buy. His shop has its own currency: as the player sells Kilton monster parts, they'll receive it.

The best item that the player can buy from Kilton is a Dark Link armor set, but hey, does that even matter? The real point of shopping at Fang and Bone is to support small local businesses

7 Satori Mountain

An Homage To The Late Great Satoru Iwata

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (24)
  • Where to Find: South of Hyrule Ridge in Central Hyrule, near Mogg Latan Shrine

This mountain (which is likely an homage to the late Satoru Iwata) houses a fascinating secret. On certain days, the Lord of the Mountain can be found and tamed, which is a complete disaster to attempt. It takes over two stamina wheels.


Breath Of The Wild: Best Cooking Recipes

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's Hyrule, Link will need to cook to survive. Which are the best recipes in Nintendo's game?

However, if the player can tame the best steed in the entire game, it certainly is a joy to ride. It can't be registered at any stable, though, so players should make their time with the creature count.

6 Gerudo Summit

The Highest Point In The World Of Hyrule

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (26)
  • Where to Find: At the peak of the Gerudo Highlands

The Gerudo Summit has some great features going for it, including a very important side quest. However, one notable distinction about the mountain is that it is likely the highest point in the entirety of Hyrule, which is no small feat.

Players should do themselves a favor and explore it when they get the chance. That way, they can truly appreciate the beauty of this game from its highest point, even if the view isn't great.

5 Sturnida Secret Hot Spring

A Refuge In The Cold, Where A Dip Can Restore Link's Hearts

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (27)
  • Where to Find: Between Lake Kilsie and the Hebra West Summit in the Hebra Mountains

Being the only one able to save Hyrule can get tiring, especially when Link's stamina keeps running out, and he's low on hearts. Luckily, there are several secret hot springs all over Hyrule that Link can jump into for a relaxing time and a full replenishing of hearts.

One such hot spring is the Sturnida Secret Hot Spring, found in the western part of the Hebra Mountains. What makes this hot spring special is the steaming hot water in the middle of the freezing tundra that is Hebra, a welcome refuge from cold winds and relentless enemies.

Breath Of The Wild: Hidden Areas You Didn't Know Existed (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.